It Came Crashing In

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The boys lived in a tree house out in the woods. the house was a five room tree house perched precariously in an ancient Redwood. the trunk carved out with a spiral stair case up to the main living room. where a fireplace sat with an alter set on the mantel with a saint peters cross in the center. the room was a dome, a walk way opened to the right with bookshelves in the walls, large tomes sat in soft leather bound covers. lanterns hung from the ceiling, a desk by the other walkway on the left that led to the kitchen. the desk covered in gems and stones. a necklace stand held pendents with magical symbols sat on the desk on top of a spell tome. The couch in the center of the room had seen better days, but for being in a house with a couple of bachelors it was in decent shape for being possibly a few hundred years old.

Jazzie sat at the desk with a magnifying glass to his eye as he looked to a large crystal in his hand, looking it over for imperfections or flaws. his hair contained in a large braid that trailed down his back. He hummed a soft tune, the candle light flicking off his soft well groomed fur. the cream color almost giving him a ghostly look in the early evening light.
his humming disturbed the man on the couch. Sol growled and covered his head with a pillow. "will you stop?" he said, a muffled groan from under the pillow.

Jazz just rolled his eyes and fell quiet, flipping a page in his open book. looking down the list of characteristics for this particular crystal. his finger ran down the fragile paper of the book, the plant based ink had faded some with time. it was about time he went through and touched the pages up. Glancing over to the couch, oh good, Sol had seemingly been able to go back to sleep. he turned his eyes back to the page, setting the magnifying glass down, gem still in hand as he looked the page over. ' Beautiful blue Agate.... perfect for helping ease anger with its soothing and calming properties...' he reached over and took out his long white feather quill and dipped it into his ink well, filled with his new archival ink he had received from Sol as a late birthday present. He tapped his quill on the rim of the glass bottle before he began to write about the crystal in his book, documenting its properties. as he was writing in the same faded old script, his hand flowing with the cursive hand writing, a loud thud broke the silence of the treehouse. Jazzies hand jumped and caused the tip of the quill to rip across the antique paper. he looked to the window, eyes wide, heart pounding from the sudden interruption.

Sol was now on the floor. the noise had startled him from his nap, the startling alarm causing him to roll off the couch as he was now scrambling to get up. He was having trouble with his footing on the rug, head dizzy from the sudden movement. "W-What was that?!" he asked, trying to regain his balance by holding onto the arm of the couch.

The thing that had smacked into the window was able to push the glass window up, tumbling in and onto the floor. Jazzie looked to his page and felt his stomach drop from the damage done. he set the pen down and got up, he would have to deal with page later.. His eyes looked over tot the small cat sized creature on the floor. it rolled over back onto its feet and warbled up to them. A tiny blue dragon. he stood there, rather stunned. the Xerox man hadn't seen a dragon in a long while.. not for a few seasons at least. The herds didn't move this close to the woods normally staying near the jungles. "What is a dragon doing here?" he asked aloud. Sol having gathered his balance once again, rubbed his head as he leaned in and squinted, the dragon had a document tube strapped to its back with leather straps. it was a messenger.

The blue baby hopped over to sol and chirped up to him, hopping around him with excitement. "seems someone has sent us a message.." he said and leaned down, he kneeled and pet the dragons head, the soft scale shimmering from the light of the fireplace. the dragon warbled a murr and licked his hand. Sol couldn't help but to chuckle  and removed the tube from the dragons back. Jazz moved over and walked around the couch, leaning on the fireplace mantle as he pondered the dragons presence here, "Who would use a dragon as a messenger? babies have terrible senses of direction..."

Sol twisted the tube open and popped the top off. Setting the top aside on the crinkled up rug, tilting the tube and let the scroll inside fall to his hand. he set the tube down and took the scroll in both hands, unrolling it to read the text. the scrolled text was in a the a similar script as Jazzies handwriting. "Lets see here then.." he stated before his eyes began to run over it, as he read the words on the page, his face began to lose color.

Jazzie leaned over, his brow raising as he attempted to look of Sol's shoulder. "well? what does it say?" he asked, he was very curious. he had no idea who other then a xerox that could train a dragon this young. Sol didn't say much before shoving the paper up to Jazzie, "you read it!" he said, as if the paper were burning his hands. Sol looked down to the dragon who had fallen asleep at his feet. With a huff, Jazz unwrinkled the page, holding out nearly taught. his eyes scanned the words and he muttered in shock. "O-oh.... well.. I see now...." he finished reading it and looked to Sol, his brow furrowed in concern. "Its from the Guardian of Dragons.. asking us for help."

Sol kicked the leg of the couch then put his hands on his hips. "Since when in HELL is there a DRAGON Guardian?!" he yelled, looking over to Jazzie. The taller man sighed, unfazed by the shorter mans outburst, "you know he hates it when you call it Hell... but it was bound to happen.. dragons have become a popular species here on Andu... they are to be protected." he stated and sighed. "Besides, Corinthia doesn't have to ask you for permission to assign new guardians, or did you get promoted to reaper without telling me hmm?" he let out a soft chuckle in reply. "Any who...." he looked to the dragon as he held the page. "They are still graves.. they are in our jurisdiction." he folded the paper neatly and tucked it away in his book.

Sol rolled his eyes and huffed, "Fine.." the grumpy man pulled out his little box of cigarettes. "lets go help him.. where the hell is he anyways?" he pulled out little roll out of the discreet box and tucked it back in his pocket, getting his lighter, but before he could light his cigarette Jaz's tail bumped his arm, causing him to drop the cigarette on the floor, "not in the house." he chimed as he scooped up the dragon in his arms and walked forward towards his desk. "He is in the plains, by the xerox village, let me get my things and we can leave."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2020 ⏰

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