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The wind blows, pulling loose leaves off of the tree branches. They all fell in front of him, the entirety of the pathememt becoming layered in the crisp, thin and brown leaves. Autumn had always been Jimin's favorite month, as everything was just so pretty and the weather was warm yet not to hot, and cold but not too cold. It was just right for his liking.

Tears brimmed Jimin's eyes, as the memory of walking down this road with Yoongi came back to him. He remembers how Yoongi's hand felt in his, how Yoongi laughed and smiled as he was excited for the ice cream date they had planned that day. It was a rather rvivid memory, one that he holds dear to his heart and one that never fails to bring tears to his eyes.

And there the ice cream shop was; Jimin walked past it. He only took a glance at the shop, too emotional to look at it for any longer than just that. He took deep breaths and quick steps, trying desperately to get his mind off that shop and off that memory but it was hard when he was reliving those memories.. except, alone and full of guilt, instead of together and full of happiness.

He just wished that his desires and hormones hadn't got the best of him.

Shakily, Jimin pressed down on the door handle of the building he had been told the therapy group would be held, and stepped in as quietly as possible. But his foot steps still echoed around the space inside. After closing the door behind him, he walked through another and into a little hallway, the walls white and carpet grey. The place looked bland but welcoming.

That's when a male who looked very soft and lovely came wandering down the hall way. He walked with a lot of confidence and a little spring in his step, but he wasn't cocky at all. His eyes practically glimmered with enthusiasm, his eye brows were strong and his lips; they were the plumpest he'd ever seen.

"Ah, hello. I'm Seokjin, what would your name be?" spoke the man, as he stopped walking and clasped his hands together in front of his chest.

Nervously, Jimin glanced down to his hands, noticing how his fingers looked ever so slightly off. But it was a good off; it was unique. "U-uh, Jimin, Jimin is my name. I'm here for the um.. Support group? I do have the right place, I hope" he responded with anxious butterflies fluttering in his tummy. Awkwardly, Jimin fiddled with his fingers in front of himself.

"Oh, yes, yes. I'm the leader of the support group. It's official name is Little Avocados because well, I love avocados" smiled Seokjin, and Jimin would be lying if he said the name hadn't made him smile just ever so slightly. "Just follow me, and I'll show you to the rest of the group. I'll also get you a form which you'll need to sign and fill out" he continued, before walking back the way he had come from, Jimin following shortly after him.

Once Jimin was in the spacious room, all eyes focused on him and him only. Jimin's frightful eyes scanned the faces of those sat in the room. There were chairs arranged in a circle with a gap either side of one of the chairs where he assumed the leader of the group would be sitting. There was also a small table in front of the chair, and not in front of anyone else's.

"Jimin?" called a voice, Seokjin's voice. Jimin's attention was drawn back to the guy, before he began walking swiftly over to where he had been stood at a table. The table had some little snacks, drinks, tissues and papers on along with what Jimin assumed to be Seokjin's bag.

"This is the form you have to fill out to become a member. Everything is absolutely free here, okay?" asked Seokjin as he held out a pen to Jimin. After taking the pen, he nodded and gently smiled, muttering a quick "yes, thanks".

Jimin leant over the little table as he wrote out his answers on the previously blank form he'd been handed. He was able to answer every question.

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