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It had been two months and Jimin was looking much better mentally and physically. He wasn't bone thin and had even started back on his gym work to build up all the muscle he'd lost while he was going through those dark days.

Ae well as Jimin looking better, so was his bedroom and house in general. Hoseok had been so good to Jimin; cooking for him, cheering him up, helping him chose outfits, tidying up when Jimin forgot to. He was the bestest friend he could ever ask for.

"I heard there's a support group for people who are.. Injuring themselves, and having similar problems to you" Hoseok breathed out, breaking the silence of the room. Jimin's head rested in Hoseok's lap, as he lay on the sofa with Hoseok sitting on it. Jimin liked laying like this. Hoseok's thighs made for a good pillow.

"I'm still a mess, hobi, I can't go" whined out Jimin with a small pout on his now luscious and soft lips, much like the ones from a month ago, before his dark days.

"Jiminie, listen to me. You were feeling like that for months and for me it was unbearable to know your pain and not being able to do anything. I was helpless. But then you said I was allowed over and everything blossomed from there. You were a withering little rose but now you're thriving again. You look even better than before and even if you still think you look like a mess, you don't. You're the prettiest flower in the whole field" he smiled, looking down at his best friend with hope in his eyes. He just wanted the best for Jimin and this was the best.

Tears wet Jimin's ever so slightly chubby cheeks, but only two lone ones slid down before he wiped his eyes.

Weakly, he smiled. "I'll go, Hobi. For you."

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