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3rd person

Ink landed on a pile of snow, despite everything is as classical as everything is, he is in snowdin in undertale, the original universe.

Ink sadly walked around snowdin, until he saw a wooden station with a skeleton with blue jacket inside, Classic. But Ink was gonna turn another way- but, Classic caught from the crunchiness of the snow.

"Hey wait, Ink!"

Ink stopped and turned around, he has a frown and his pupils are grey as his soul, Classic teleported in front of him (there the same height) "what's wrong Ink, why you so-" Classic was about to make a pun when he saw the grey- and dead looking pupils, "traitless.............." Classic trailed off, but Ink said nothing.


"ERROR!" "ERROR!" "ERROR, WHERE ARE YOU!?" Geno shouted, him and the other sanes are looking for Error, he went missing after him and Ink had put up the "talk" and now he suddenly vanished, "Geno! He's not here either!" Blue Exclaimed and ran towards him, Geno was starting to get hyperventilating, he can't lose his second brother idea came from his head, "wait...he might be there..."


Classic p.o.v

"...was it you and Error?" "...we had a "talk" about something" "yes! He finally talked!" "And?...what happened in there?" "Why do you care? I'm nothing, but a souless being..." "oh, now that is what happened..." "Ink..."


The other's are running after Geno in the forest, and they kept running until Geno ran inside a large, grey cave, they ran faster to try not to lose him, "GENO, WAIT UP!" Sci Exclaimed, "HE'S GOT TO BE THERE! I CAN FEEL IT!" "HE'S WHERE?!" Nightmare Questioned in confusion.

To be continued.....

twisted and broken soul(COMPLETED!)Where stories live. Discover now