Chapter 36: Confrontation

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ash's siblings begged him to just run, but ash made them a promise, he wans't gonna run anymore....he walked right up to his dad's room and he walked right inside.

There he saw his dad, holding..........

" ENOUGH!!!!" ash yelled

" what?"mewtwo said looking at him

" i know about your past, i know about amber, i KNOW ABOUT THE DOOL ROOM! I KNOW THAT CREEPY LOOK A LIKE DOLL YOU HAVE OF ME! " ash yelled

".........." mewtwo said

" i'm tired of having to put on an act!" ash said " amber is dead!"

"what did you say?" mewtwo said walking towards ash

"amber is dead, you may have put her spirt inside me....but she is dead." ash said as his dad kept walking " i know it hurts, but please get help, call a doctor, not well in the head, you tried to stab me once in my sleep, the other night, you called it a shot."

for some reason thenmewtwo eyes wen wide.

" w-what?!" mewtwo said

" you have black outs and try to kill me." ash said " you need help dad."

" that's....the first tiem you ever........" mewtwo said
"I know. i was scarred, i still am. so, put down the knife, call someone to help. and stop this madness." ash said 

" i n-no, i'm not sick........" mewtwo said

" yes you are dad, you are having bipolar balck outs, you strapped me to  a cot, because i ran from you when you were chasing me with a needle." ash said

" what?!" mewtwo said " i don't remember......"

" i know you don't you have a nother obessive personalty due to your calls him, well........ king....and he trys to turn us into dolls, sabrina is a doll with a freaking ghost inside dad, please for my sake and sanity. get help!" ash said

" i-i........ragh." mewtwo said clutching his head ash gasped an dstep back king was in charge, and he had just pissed

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