chapter 29

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"I trust you've heard of me?" He asked Jennifer, Calleb and me,

"Should we have?"

"Your father is in holding, he has something of mine that I desperately want, dear." He glared at Jennifer with a sickly sweet smile.

"Marcell..." She whispered with wide eyes,

"Ah, so you have heard of me! That's good, no need for introductions then. Now I want that bastard, where is he? I've done my homework but he's no longer at your base. So where could he possibly have been moved?"

"No place you'd be able to get in," I spoke harshly. The guests were frightened and panicked and he started moving towards me,

"Back the hell up or I put a bullet in your head,"

"Oh I wouldn't do that, see, I never come unprepared. My men are keeping an eye on me as we speak. You make one move to kill me, they kill everyone in here without a blink. My orders of course,"

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because the money your father owes me, is quite a lot as you already know. But I must say first, I'm truly impressed by how you got to him and how you handled him. I heard the rumors in the down world of life,"

"Leave!" Jennifer snarled with venom dripping from her words, not backing down from his icy glare,

"I tell you what. I will leave if you and your friends, that took Phillip down, come with me. You three with me and I walk out without hurting anyone else, I'll even call an ambulance for the boy. He's got his entire life ahead of him,"

"Then why shoot him!?"

"I need to get my point across somehow," He rolled his eyes and motioned his gun around the room,

"So what will it be? You three or the crowd?"

Calleb, Jennifer, and I all made eye contact, knowing which choice we'd all make. Sighing I went to put my gun away but he stopped me and motioned for me to give it to him as well as the other two. Just as we were unarmed three of his men walked in and grabbed us, restraining us before throwing us into the back of a van right as everything went black.


I was strapped to a chair when I woke up, Calleb and Jennifer nowhere to be seen. I had no idea where we were supposed to be or how many people were outside the wooden door I was looking at, but I know that we were not safe. These people will kill us in a blink of an eye without hesitation.

"Look who's awake!" Marcell walked into the room with a wicked grin across his face,

"What do you want with us?"

"I'll tell you the same I told the other two. I want my money and I will kill for it. Phillip has it so technically what I want from you is Phillip."

"I won't tell you where he is,"

"Ah, so you do know,"

"No, I don't,"

"Don't lie to me!" His calm demeanor washed away for a second before it was replaced again,

"Don't lie to me. Where is he?"

"I have no clue." What he obviously doesn't know is that there were rumors going around that Phillip had killed himself during transport to put him away at a secure prison in the desert. So I truly didn't know where he was, if he did off himself or if he was gone or if he was in prison by now.

"Do I really need to bring other enforcements?"

"What?" Just then his fist collided with my jaw. He kept on hitting me, over and over, until I felt blood dripping from my mouth.

"Where is he?"

"No idea," I answered him as I looked into his eyes. One of his eyes twitched just before he swung at me again, this time hitting me all over my body. I heard a few chuckles from across the room when I groaned. I hadn't even notice anyone else walking in,

"Tell me where he is!" The asshole pressed his gun to my temple right after giving me another hit to the stomach letting me hunch over in pain,

"I don't know where he is. And even if I did, I wouldn't tell you shit,"

"Maybe you need some motivation?" He smirked whistling. His goons opened the door on the wall next to us where they dragged me through only for my eyes to go wide at the sight, knowing what he was going to do.

"Ah see, I told you boys she's his soft spot," My body was rigid when they placed Jennifer on a chair in front of me all beaten and bruised,

"Now, let's try again," He said and held a gun to her head. Her face was emotionless as she looked at me, but I knew her better than that, she was afraid. So afraid...

"I told you I don't know where he is!"

"Where is Phillip!"

"I don't know! They never told me if he arrived at the prison!"

"Bullshit!" He shouted and smirked at me before looking at Jennifer and cocking the gun before putting his finger on the trigger,

"Last chance," My eyes were wide and I was screaming at them to let her go, tears were rolling down her cheeks but when I didn't say anything, the disgusting excuse of a man pulled the trigger,

I closed my eyes, not wanting to see the sight that the asshole caused, but when I heard gunshots in the room my head shot up to see Jennifer holding a gun in her hand, shooting at the goons. Looking around, Marcell was injured on the floor, crawling to get away, but Jennifer saw it and aimed right for his head.

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