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She was there , running and causing loud footsteps that scared my mother . She mouthed : ' This is too fun ! ' . I'm just standing there like : yeah ... sure ! My mom frantically ran down the stairs to dad and said " HONEY ! THERE'S A G - GHOSTT UPSTAIRS " My dad said " Noah ! Tell your mother to pull herself together , I'm late for work . " He gave my mother a weirded out stare and said " Hun , you need to calm down . I'm going to work , take care of the kids . Love you ! Bye ! " He dashed out the door .

I went upstairs again to see what Danielle's up to . She was laughing her ass off and saying " OMG ! HAHHAHA YOUR MOM IS SO EASILY FRIGHTENED !! " Then I say " Listen , we need to set a couple ground rules . I love the idea of having you as my ghost - friend and shit , but no scaring my mom . Otherwise she will have us move out and it hasn't been even a day and I am tried . So , try scaring her at least after 2months ? " Danielle agreed to the deal and grunted like a sad dog , then added " But you gotta admit it WAS actually quite funny . " I chuckled and looked at her and said " Yeah , I guess it kinda WAS funny ... So, what's your story ? Like ... hit your intro ! " She said "Okay ... umm I'm Danielle Brooks , 17 , music lover and addicted to video games . You? "

"I am Noah Peters . I am in love with your wild hair , I'm 17 and yeah pretty much the same here with the music and games . " I replied as I realised she was staring at my hair in an odd way . " Yo ... do you mind if I touch that ? Your hair ? " I said " No , I won't mind ! Go for it ... " She touched my hair as if she'd never touched hair before .

" So ... We friends ? " I asked and she replied " Yeah , whatevs ... you can call me Danielle , Dan , or anything you like " I thought about it and said " Can I call you Dannie ? "

A smile grew on her beautiful face as she said " Yeah , Dannie sounds kinda cool "

Mom came up and said " NOAH ! Who are you talking to? " I acted like was on the phone and as she came in , she said " Ugh ... you're always hanging on that phone ! You talking to Sam again? " I signalled "no" and she left .

Dannie then asked in a taunting voice " Hey Noah ... Who's this SAM huh? Is she your GIRLFRIEND ? " And she laughed . I said " Not anymore ... and why are you laughing ? " She looked at me and said " Cause I don't believe in lovey dovey shit at all . It's stupid . "

I liked the idea she thought it was dumb to fall in love . It reminded myself of how I was .

Soon after , I'd been hours since we had been talking and it was lunch time . I went down with Dannie . Lucy looked at me and said " Who were you talking to upstairs ? " I told her " I was on the phone . " I sat on the couch with Lucy and watching The Big Bang Theory while Lucy argued that she wanted to watch her favorite show . It was just Hannah Montana but it was replays of the ended series ... Mom cooked up some ham burgers and I could see the water pouring down from Dannie's mouth as she stared at me while I took the first bite of that perfectly put together burger . I looked at her and whispered ' half and half ' and she nodded okay . I finished half and took the coke and half eaten burger upstairs and she ate it all . I always thought that when ghosts eat , it'd go straight down , but no . She ate it and drank the juice perfectly like an actual human being . After it was finished , she burped real loud and let out a huge big " FINALLY ! It has been so many years since my last burger ! " I smiled and heard Lucy from downstairs complaining " MOM ! CAN YOU TELL NOAH TO HAVE SOME MANNERS AND NOT BURP ! "

I rolled my eyes and watched Dannie put her hair up in a ponytail and turn back around to say " How do I look? " She snapped her fingers and did some voodoo shit to change into a Super Mario shirt and glasses .

I stared and said " You wear GLASSES? " She nodded and put on a goofy smile with her tongue out and said " Yeah ... I'm kinda dorky in a way or two . " I made a couple faces and commented " Nah ... put them on ... you look better . " She didn't believe me and asked " Really ? " And I answered " yes "

" so umm my first day of college is tomorrow . wanna join me ? " I asked . She then said " Yeah sure i'll come with you . I bet you're in Fort Meighs huh? " I said " Yeah , why? " " It's a common one " she replied . With a devilish smirk on her face she added " I would miss your first day ... trust me it'll be quite the memory "

I knew she was planning something . What was going on in her mind anyways ...

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