Chapter 6

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"So, you've been spending a lot of time with Rachel, huh?" Steve asked as the pulled up to the crime scene.

"Yeah. Taking care of our daughter who was in a near-fatal car accident," Danny answered.

Steve gestured with his hands. "I'm just saying this whole, uh, playing house thing, wondering how much it's got to do with Rachel as well as Grace."

"It's got nothing. . .look, what about Amelia? How's that?"

"Uh," Steve answered. "I don't know. It's awkward, sometimes. Honestly, I've known her for a few hours and I would do literally anything for her."

"Yeah? Well, welcome to parenthood, buddy. It's a whole lot of worrying."

They reached the crime scene and Noelani went over everything with them. She pointed out the COD. Steve threw in a few things and they learned that the body was killed at the bottom of the ocean.

They finished talking and Steve and Danny headed back to HQ. In the car, Danny picked up their conversation.

"So, do you think Amelia is going to adjust ok?"

"I don't know. I don't think she wants to be here. And Danny, you know what she told me? She was supposed to be at home when those people killed her adoptive parents. She would've died, too, if it hadn't been for some last-minute schedule change."

Danny didn't answer for a minute. "I'm guessing that's really upsetting you?"

"Yeah, man. I'm beating myself up. I know that if it weren't for some stroke of luck, my daughter would've died and I never would've met her. I mean, I don't even want to leave her at the house alone."

Danny nodded and took in a deep breath. "Look, Steve, that's horrible to think about, ok? The idea you might've. . . might've never met your daughter. But she is here, right now, ok? She's alive, she's safe, she's here in Hawaii. And, in an incredible turn of events, she is living with you! Your daughter, who you didn't even know existed, is here. So take advantage of that! Get to know her, care for her, treat her exactly like you would've if you had met her 16 years ago instead of now."

Steve nodded. "I know you're right, man. I can't believe this has happened."

"Me neither."

They reached Iolani Palace and went inside where everyone had congregated. After they learned who was responsible for the lab, Steve and Danny paid him a visit. Now it was a matter of sending a few members of Five-0 down to the lab.

"Guys, meet our suspects, the crew of the Neptune 1." Tani announced. "Jim Walker, Linda Brady, Marcus Nash, and Nina Kane. All of these people are hand-picked by Nostromo for this mission. Consider them, like, the dream team of oceanographers and scientists."

"And one of them is our murderer," Adam threw in, studying the photo.

"That is our working theory," Steve agreed. "So, we are gonna go down there, assess the situation, collect evidence, and interview the suspects."

"Bad news is the sub only carries three people," Danny said.

"Oh, well, I know who I nominate," Tani muttered.

"Mm? Danny and I are actually gonna run point on this one from up here."

Tani glanced at him with a raised eyebrow. Steve nodded for confirmation. "Amelia just got here. I'd rather not go on an underwater expedition so soon."

"Oh," Tani said.

"Junior is actually gonna take lead this one. And he's gonna take you two with him."

Junior filled Tani and Adam in on what symptoms they could expect and Steve pulled out some stun guns for them to carry down with them.

"Without further ado, be safe, and, uh, Junior, don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Tani scoffed. "Talk about a blank check."

Danny grabbed Steve's arm. "Come on, Mrs. Kamaka is here."

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