Chapter 7: Drunk fun ;)

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(Dashi-Sensei's POV)

Tobirama sat Hashirama on his lap and rested his chin on his brother's shoulder while the older Senju was blushing madly. Kakashi, on the other hand, was kissing Naruto everywhere, leaving butterfly kisses along his neck and chest. "b-baka! Not here! we ar-re in a b-ba ahh~" Naruto says through moans, trying to not give in to his lover. "Hashi~ How come they get to have all the fun?~" pouts the drunk Senju. Hashirama turns red. "jgbhuik!" Hashirama says flustered as hell. 

Naruto was a moaning mess and it doesn't look like Kakashi was planning on stopping. 

(Go! Aizawa-Sensei!) 

Aizawa appears and picks up the blondie and sliver and teleports them to a hotel room so they can continue their "fun". "your turn" Aizawa mumbles, picking up the Senjus and teleporting them to another hotel room. 

(you did great Aizawa-Sensei! return! XD) 

(Aizawa: shut up, I'm not your pokemon)

(don't ruin mah fun -^-)

-shit gets hot now >:3-

"e-eh?" Hashirama mumbles confused about what just happened. "Hashi~" Tobirama mumbles, crawling over to the older Senju. "N-No you're drunk!" spats the flustered Senju, attempting to push Tobirama away with his foot. Hashirama's plan to push Tobirama failed because he just grabbed Hashirama's ankle and licked his thigh. A small moan escaped the older Senju's mouth. Hashirama quickly covered his mouth, blushing madly. Tobirama smirks and crawls up to his older brother's lips. Tobirama kisses Hashirama roughly but passionately, licking Hashirama's lips for entrance which was granted. Hashirama was a blushing mess, stroking Tobirama's hair as their kiss deepens. After a few more hot moments, the two separate, gasping for breath. Tobirama leaned into Hashirama neck, biting and sucking all over, earning pleasant moans from his lover. "Tobi-" Hashirama began but got interrupted by a moan escaping his lips when Tobirama sat on his member and started bouncing up and down. "s-stop ahh teasing!~" Hashirama spats through moans. Tobirama nods through his own moans and stops, undressing Hashirama. 'why the fuck did I say that?!' Hashirama thought as Tobirama inserted a finger into his virgin hole. "Hashi, you're so tight~" Tobirama teases. "s-shad ahh up!~" Hashirama moans loudly. Then Tobirama inserts another finger then another. Three fingers thrusting in and out of Hashirama, leaving him a moaning mess. Tobirama kisses his red lover deeply, pulling his fingers out. Tobirama licks Hashirama's lips and sits up, undressing. Hashirama gulps, blushing a lot at the sight of his brother's member. Tobirama smirks, lifting Hashirama's legs up and setting them on his shoulders, lining up his member. "ready?~" Tobirama asks, gripping Hashirama's hips. Hashirama nods. Tobirama licks his lips and slowly inserts his member into Hashirama. Tobirama earns a moan and thrusts in and out faster each time. Hashirama was a moaning mess. "Tobi-san! I-I'm gonna-" Hashirama gasps, cumming all over himself and Tobirama. Tobirama cums inside Hashirama, continuing his thrusts, slapping Hashirama's hips. "Tobi-San!!!" Hashirama yells through moans, arching his back. "Hashi-Chan!" Tobirama yells, thrusting faster. 

-meanwhile in the room beside the Senju's-

"they're rather loud, aren't they?" Aizawa mumbles, turning up the TV. "yea, but my ship is sailing soooo I don't mind" Dashi cheers, eating ice cream. Aizawa sighs. "you and your ships" "haha just be glad I didn't turn this into an AiDeku yaoi" Dashi laughs. "Oooo That would be fun" Gasps Destiny. Aizawa goes back into his cacoon. "you wouldn't" "oh we would" Laughs Dashi and Destiny as they high five each other.

-back with the Senju's-

After a while in paradise, the two stop, cuddling each other and catching their breath. "I love you my Tobi-San" Hashirama mumbles, burying his head into Tobirama's neck. "I love you too my Hashi-Chan" mumbles the younger Senju as kisses his lover's head. Then the two lovers soon fall asleep, cradling each other in their arms. 

-with Kakashi and Naruto-

"bad Kashi" Mumbles a flustered Blonde. "what? how is it my fault" pouts the Hatake. "YoU wErEn'T eVeN dRuNk!" spats the blonde. "Love you~" Kakashi smiles, kissing Narutos cheek. "nO bAkA, nO kIsSeS fOr ThE rEsT oF tHe NiGhT!" "NuUUuuUuu I sAiD I WaS sOrRy NaRu! dOn'T tAkE mY kIsSeS aWaY!" pleads the silver-head. "only on one condition" smiles the blonde. "anything" Kakashi says instantly. "you gotta take me out for ramen tomorrow" Naruto cheers. "Bet!" Kakashi cheers.

A/N heya peeps, how was this? was it good? sorry for the late update btw XD hopefully this was worth the wait XD oh don't forget to read and follow my friend Destiny17kakaNaru for great poems, one-shots, and stories X3 BAIII

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