The Ceremony Begins

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        Standing inside the entrance of the Motostoke Stadium, Maiden was hit with a massive wave of nostalgia as he looked around. It was at this exact stadium where he witnessed his first Pokémon battle as a kid. He could remember sitting atop his father's shoulders in the stands to get a good look at the phenomenon that was Dynamaxing. 

        Of the two contenders he was watching, one stood out above the rest. He was a fairly tall youth with rugged features and a well trimmed goatee and mustache. Piercing emerald eyes stared his opposition down with determination that could move mountains. The massive elephantine Pokémon beside him had become bigger than anything young Aiden had ever scene. Aiden stared in wide-eyed wonder as the younger Chairman Rose gave the command for his prized Copperajah to eviscerate his adversary. 

        It had been a truly glorious sight to behold, and now, twenty years after that day, it was finally Aiden's turn to make his mark. And with Rookidee at his side, he was confident that they would be able to accomplish just that. Taking a deep breath, he strode up to the counter where he was to collect his uniform and badge ring. The employee behind the counter looked up from his computer screen and addressed him. 

        "Trainer ID please," said the employee while holding out his hand. 

        Aiden reached into his pocket and pulled out his endorsement letter and handed it to the man. 

        "Ah yes, Aiden! I have your things all ready to go," the man stated as he reached down and grabbed Aiden's premade uniform along with the badge circle. "Go ahead and put these on and then head to the booth over there to take your League Card photo to get your ID."

        Aiden took the items and blinked. His uniform had been premade? Aiden glanced down at the articles of clothing he'd been handed with a raised brow. They were the standard uniform but there was one thing that caught his attention that made him curious. A letter was attached to the uniform. Aiden headed to the locker room and set his stuff down so he could open the letter. 

       Aiden Warren,

        This letter is to inform you that your rent for your flat has been taken care of for next month. From here on out you will be given a dividend of ¥1,500 which will increase based upon your performance in battle. As you may have noticed, your uniform has your last name on the back and your preferred number of choice: Five. You are to wear this to all official gym battles. Good luck, 

        Your sponsor

        Aiden raised a brow at the letter in suspicion. Very few people he was acquainted with knew he liked the number five. His former boss and a few coworkers as well as his parents knew. He figured he'd question them later. For now, he needed to change. Sliding into his uniform, he tossed his clothes into the locker and stepped in front of the mirror to see how he looked. 

        I never imagined I'd be wearing one of these. I suppose dreams can come true after all...

        Aiden exited the room and made his way to the booth to have his picture taken for his League Card. Waiting for him was a woman dressed in a similar uniform to the man behind the counter. 
        "Ready for your picture?" she asked, getting her camera ready while he gathered his thoughts.

        "Sure, but I have a question first. Can my Pokémon be in the picture with me?" Aiden asked hopefully. 

        "Of course! just send it out and let me kniw when you're ready," said the camera woman with a smile. 

        "Thanks, this will only take a sec!" 

        Aiden released Rookidee from his ball, onto his shoulder. The little bird yawned and stretched his wings a bit before looking around and then facing Aiden. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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