a gift

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Tony's birthday was quickly approaching and you had a good idea to make him something in his lab. It was gonna be a hologram which was gonna show his suit. It was going to take a lot of work but you were ok with that.

One afternoon, Tony had went down to his lab and saw you there tinkering away with something. He smiled then crept up behind you. "What're you working on, gorgeous?" He asked kissing your cheek. You jumped and tried hiding everything, making some things fall on the floor. You put your arm on the table trying to be smooth then you smiled at him. "N-Nothing. I'm just... chilling..." you said.

Tony laughed then sighed. "W-What're you doing here?" You asked. "Baby, this is where I work," he said. "Whaaat? I didn't know that," you said. "Alright, what's up? What're you hiding?" He said crossing his arms. "Nothing!" You said. He raised an eyebrow at you and you attempted to do it back but failed. "Now I'm gonna need you to leave," you said.


You gave him a look then he sighed and made his way back up the stairs. "Love you!" You called. "Love you too!" You heard him say. You smiled then got back to work.

You worked all day and eventually fell asleep. Tony went back down to check on you and found you asleep on his desk. "Reminds me of well... me," he mumbled to himself with a small chuckle. He walked over to you then saw what you were working on. He turned it on and his suit appeared. He smiled and looked at you.

"Wow..." he whispered to himself. It quickly shut off and he set it down. "Y/n..." he said softly as he shook you. Your eyes fluttered open as you looked at him. "Hi baby," you said half asleep. "Hey beautiful... lets get you to bed," he said picking you up. "Y'know I missed seeing you today," he said kissing your temple. "Really?" You said snuggling into his neck. "Is this how you feel with me?" He asked. You nodded and yawned.

"Baby?" You said. "Yes princess?" He said. "I love you," you said holding him tighter. "I love you too," he said with a smile. Once Tony made it to your room he laid you down in bed and tucked you in. "There you go sweetheart," he said stroking your hair. "Goodnight babe," you said yawning. "Goodnight y/n," he said giving you a kiss on your forehead.

Once you had fallen back asleep, Tony looked at you for a second before heading back to his lab. He decided to finish what you were working on.

The next morning, you woke up ready to finish Tony's gift. You took a shower and everything and then made your way to Tony's lab. As you passed the living room you heard your boyfriend's voice.

"Good morning baby."

You looked at him and smiled and told him good morning. "I finished that little project you were working on," he said. "Nooo! Why would you do that!" You said.

His smile faded and he looked at you in shock. "I thought I could help you out..." he said sadly. "Tony, I appreciate it I really do, but that was supposed to be a birthday present for you," you said. "Oh! I'm sorry," he said.

"It's fine... I guess it just won't be much of a surprise now," you said.

Tony held his arms out for you and you laid in them. "I'll act surprised at my party," he said kissing your cheek. You laughed a little and sighed. "It won't be the same," you said. "Now I feel bad," he said. "Good, I worked hard on that I was really excited to see your reaction," you said. "How can I make it up to you?" He asked. "I want some ice cream... and a kiss," you said. Tony chuckled then gave you a kiss. "Ice cream please," you said.

"Alright," he said. He got up then went and got me some ice cream then handed me the bowl. "Thank you," you said as you ate. "You're welcome princess," he said. "Can I have some?" He asked. "Hmmm, ok," you said. He opened his mouth the you gave him some. "Thank you," he said. You nodded then looked at him. "I'm just gonna get you a new gift," you said. "Fine by me," he said. "I'm keeping the hologram for myself..." you said taking another bite of your ice cream. "No!" He said frantically.

𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐘 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now