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"Y/n I don't want to go to the dinner," Tony complained. "Please? For me?" You said with a pout. Tony looked at you and sighed in defeat then nodded. "Fine. I'll go. I'm not talking to that idiot of a boyfriend you have," he said. "You two are going to have to get along eventually. You're my best friend and I don't want him to push you away from me," you said.

Tony smiled then hugged you. "I love you," he said kissing the top of your head. "I love you too," you said. You let go of each then you left his house.

Later that night, you and your boyfriend Cory made your way to the restaurant. You both had gotten into an argument just before you left because Cory said he didn't want Tony to be there. You had told him it was too late that he was already coming.

Once you made it there you saw Tony getting out of his car. You smiled then went over to him. He smiled at you then you gave him a hug. "Hey y/n," he said. "Hey Tony," you said.

Cory walked over to you both and pulled you away from Tony. They both glared at each other but you broke them up. "I just wanna have a nice simple dinner with my boyfriend and my best friend. Please do not fight," you said.

"Fine," they both said. "You look very handsome Tones," you said. He smiled at you but Cory glared. You guys went inside the restaurant and were seated.

You flipped through the menu then Cory spoke. "So Tony, how are those suits?" He asked. "They're fine I guess..." Tony said. "Oh really? Y/n told me one of them hit her," Cory said.

"I told you that was an accident!" You said hitting his arm. "Yeah one of the parts malfunctioned and flew and hit her arm. I got her some ice for it," he said.

Cory chuckled and rolled his eyes. "What's ice gonna do," he said. Tony was about to say something but you stopped him. He looked at you and you just shook your head. He closed his mouth then looked back down at the menu.

You ordered your food and talked. You were paying more attention to Tony though which was making Cory upset and jealous.

Once your food arrived you ate. Everything was going great until Cory decided to have one too many drinks. You and Tony both told him to stop but he wouldn't. He then just got up and stumbled out of the restaurant.

Tony paid for the dinner then you both walked out to check on Cory. You saw him sitting down on a bench then you went over to him. "Come on, we gotta go home," you said. "I'm not going home with you," he slurred. "Why not?" You asked crossing your arms.

"You don't like me. You like pretty boy over there more," he said pointing to Tony. "Cory we've been over this..." you said. "I don't care," he said. "You're making a big deal out of nothing," Tony said.

"Shut up! Shut the fuck up!" Cory said getting up. "Dude calm down," Tony said. "No! I can't deal with the fact that you're constantly trying to flirt with y/n!" He said. "Cory stop!" You said getting between them.

"You stay out of this!" Cory said hitting you. You stumbled then that's when Tony went off. He punched Cory in the eye causing him to fall down. "Don't you ever touch her again!" He said.

Tony heard you crying which made him look over at you. He saw a red mark on your face and helped you up. "Don't worry... I got you. I'm always gonna protect you," he said holding you close to him. You felt a lot safer in his arms.

Cory got up and Tony glared at him. "Let's go y/n," Cory said. "No..." you said quietly. "Excuse me?!" He said. "I said no!" You said. "Fine. Be like that. We're over bitch," he said. Tony let go of you and stepped to him. "Call her a bitch one more time and see what happens," he threatened.

Cory shoved Tony then got in his car and drove off. "He shouldn't be driving if he's drunk," you said. "He'll be fine. Come on," he said. You got in Tony's car and he drove you to his house. Once you got there you went inside and to his room. "Let me see your cheek," he said. You showed him and he sighed. He kissed it softly making you smile.

"I'm so sorry he did that to you," he said. "It's fine..." you said. "No it's not. I hate that guy so much! He thinks he can just walk all over you. Not in my watch. I care about you way too much to see you get hurt by some motherf—"

You cut him off by giving him a kiss. Tony put his hands on your waist and pulled you closer to him. When you pulled away Tony looked at you in shock. "I love you," you said rubbing his cheek softly. "I-I love you too," he said with a big goofy grin. "Also... I find it cute that you're so protective over me," you said. Tony blushed then smiled. "I do my best," he said. You giggled then you both hung out and watched TV for the rest of the night.

𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐘 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now