Part 16

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Holy crap, ya'll, this book has hit 1K readers!! I know this isn't a lot, compared to others, but this is amazing to me! I never thought my book would get this far!! In thanks of this, I will be working on an extra chapter, of what it was like before the Queersmas Club moved to the Chamber for their meets. It will be after this one! Thanks again, you guys! Love ya'll!!

Remus grinned wickedly as he landed with the Weasley twins. He was part of what they called Marauders the Second.  It was the Twins small group of pranksters and mischief-makers that they had on hand for anything. The group was made up of George and Fred, himself, and Lee Jordan.

Remus leaned up against the snack table and plopped a grape into his mouth as he watched Lee do the same. 

Remus hit the side of the table, knocking over the bowl of grapes as he inflated and turned purple, and then bumped into Lee who had done the same thing. 

"SKYLAAAAAARR!" Lee shouted as the twins burst into the laughter and Remus hit the floor with his face with an oof

"Change me back!" Remus shouted, laughing some himself as he watched, or tried to, Lee try to right himself and roll into the crowd instead. 

Fred grinned pulled out his wand and normalized Remus and ran into the crowd with George, who was still laughing. 

Remus was about to keep running along with them to catch what havoc Lee caused as a ain't grape when a voice stopped him. 

"I'm guessing you didn't like the grapes?" 

Remus turned and saw a guy, probably a 5th year like himself, but he couldn't tell what house he was in since he was wearing muggle clothes and an apron. He had to admit he was pretty good looking; he liked his dark brown hair and cool-looking yellow eye that was a different color than his green eye. He recognized him as the guy, named Dee that was in their common room. Patton and him had talked during lunch about Dee, figuring out that he must have stolen or borrowed Gryffindor robes, and the password to their common room for a Ravenclaw to get in. They still hadn't figured out why he had been there though. 

"Dee, right?" Remus asked curiously. 

Dee nodded, "Yes. You're Gage?" 

"Remus," Remus corrected, "Call me Remus since there's two of us Gage's. Even though, I'm the better looking one." He winked.

Dee sighed and rolled his eyes some, but Remus could tell that behind that "annoyed" face he was giving him he was amused at his foolishness. 

"Well!" Remus shouted randomly, "I'm going to go catch that Grape Man!" 

He quickly grabbed his broom and hopped on, the broom swerving down sharply before going up and locating Lee, Fred, and George. 

Remy had soon found Emile, who was wandering around since Roman had taken Virgil with him with all of the nonbinary and trans people to show them the clothes exchange. The clothing exchange was a place, a room, that students would go to change, and switch out their clothes. So, transgender people could get their proper clothes, if their family was either homophobic/transphobic or didn't have enough money to buy the right things. They also had Binders, (that came with specific spells, constructed by Lupin, Professor Flitwick, and Skylar, that could help you with looking flat-chested just in case) and student volunteers (mainly muggle-borns) who could cut hair decently, and new some make-up hacks to get you to look like your gender. (Even though some Purebloods had helped make some spells to do this instead of the make-up, some Half-Bloods and Muggle-borns prefer the make-up over the spells.) 

The idea of the Clothing Room was from Skylar's transgender friend Sarah. Remy could remember the week where, last year, she was allowed to invite her Muggle dad and her wizard father, which we all found out quickly that her dad was what Muggle's called a "Drag Queen". That was a very glittery and bright week.

"Oh, hey Remy!" Emile grinned at him as they found each other. 

Remy couldn't help but to smile back, saying, "Sup." 

"You want to go get some Butterbeer or Coffee with me?" Emile asked, looking towards the taps coming out of the wall, where, above each one, had some sort of liquid contained. 

"Sure, I'll get my coffee and you get your usual Butterbeer, right?" 

"Like always," Emile smiled, starting to walk towards the taps. 

Remy found this part of the meet was his favorite. Getting a drink with Emile. They didn't know each other that well, even though they have been doing this all last year, but Remy was determined to get to know him better this year. He was going to do something this year. 

Remy grabbed a cup, and went over to where the Muggle sodas, and the coffee taps were. The last tap, the coffee one, had a painting of Sarah's dad and father next to it. 

"Your usual Remy?" Sarah's dad, his name was David, asked with a smile. 

"Yes ma'me," He said back, watching the coffee above the tap turn color, a magical process that the pictures controlled thanks to some magic. (courtesy of Dumbledore and an unknown friend of his) 

He put his cup under the tap and watched his Starbucks, Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino with two shots of coffee fill his cup. 

"So, you gonna ask him out this year?" Joel, the other man, asked with a smirk. He wore some regular wizard attire as his husband wore one of his drag outfits. 

"Who?" Remy asked, playing dumb, even though his cheeks were now tinted a bit pink. 

"You-know-who," David said dramatically, just as Emile walked up behind Remy undetected, and said, "Oooh~" 

Remy jumped as Emile smirked, "Who knew that Remy Rockson had a crush!" He giggled which made Remy's face turn redder, "What's hilarious," Emile added, "Is that it's on He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named!" 

The paintings around them laughed, and Remy forced a laugh, a nervous one, as well. 

"Har har, very funny," Remy said, "I don't have a crush. Never have, never will. I am a lone wolf!" 

Emile raised a brow, or at least tried to but ended up raising both of them, "Yeah, I don't think so, buddy. Now, come on! Let's go see if we can catch the Painting! Patton and Virgil are painting this year."

"I wonder what Virgil would paint," Remy wondered to himself. He had to admit, that he had a small crush on Virgil the first two or so years he had arrived at Hogwarts. Ever since that, he had a curiosity about him. He was pretty mysterious.

"Well I'll see you later kids," David said, grinning.

"See you," Remy said to them, waving, as he followed Emile to the painting area.

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