The Borderline Life

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(Edit: Re-publishing this because I wanna continue the story! Sorry if the first couple of chapters kinda suck, I wasn't the best at writing!)


you've arrived! Great to see you again Readers! I suppose you came for another story? Ah, iv'e got one picked out for you! The Country's again? Okay, Right here!

Hmm.... how should I start this one?  Well... A while ago, there was a little boy. This boy was an angel, literally and figuratively. His wings we're a bright white with a tint of yellow at the ends, his halo was beautiful, and as this child was quite the rebel, he was very sweet, and wouldn't hesitate to help somebody in need. And as you would think he would love to run around, play games, fly threw the sky, do what an average angle would do. But sadly, that's not at all what happens.

  This little boy not only had to take care of their siblings, But also had to deal with a parent, one that does not care for them. This parent hates the boy, he's a 'screw up' he 'can't do anything right' to the parent. The reason he thinks that? That's something for another day. But right now, lets focus more on the boy. This boy lives in a small cabin (his parent is in a different house) with his three siblings, the siblings names you ask? The youngest's are named, Australia, and New Zealand. (Aussie and Kiwi for short) The second oldest, is named Canada. (Nada for short) As you can guess, the eldest name is America.

 These children don't have a mother, it is said they died a few days after birth of the youngest, nobody knows how they died, but it is suspected to be a suicide, that fact is not true, but it is what every angel in the village thinks at least. So that leaves the father, the funny thing about him, is that he loves all his children except for America. That's..... actually not a very funny fact...
But sadly, its true. 

Now that you have a perspective on what's going on. Let's move back, and zoom in on what's going on with the angel himself......................

*In The Village* *Third Person POV*

It was a very peaceful day in the village, school ended, everybody was enjoying life, including America. At the moment America was skipping down the sidewalk heading for the bakery to get some bread for dinner. "Thank you sir!" 

"Any time lil' 'Merica, b'the way, could you give this to Can for me?" The baker gave a small thing of maple syrup to America 

"Of course! He'll love it!"

"Thanks buddy" The baker says that as America gives him a smile, the baker returns the smile and America dashes out the door, he spread his wings and flew back home, soaring high in the sky. Being careful not to drop the food. 

 As America lands at their house unlocks the door and walks in. "hellooooooooo, I'm home!" America looks around and sees Canada poking their head out from the door frame in curiosity, when he sees America he runs over and gives him a hug.

"Did you get anything! Did you get anything!" 

"I got bread for us all to share, but! Baker Nelson did get you something!" Canada gasped and looked up with excitement as America handed them the bottle of syrup, America turned around to put the bread on the counter "Now Canada saver that it was a-" He turns back around while Canada had finished the hole bottle. He sighs and chuckles "Neverrrrr mindddd" Canada chuckles and runs back to play in his room. 

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