_-_Troublesome Times_-_

65 1 10

*Warning, child abuse.*

*Narrator POV*


America shivered, UK didn't pay attention to him much unless he was either in trouble, or had work to do. This time, it sounded like he was in trouble.

The small angel slowly turned around to face his father. Frightened, but tried not to show it. "HOW DARE, YOU DISOBEY ME." The small angel just looked up at him, petrified. He didn't know what to do.

"I-I-I don't know what you mean..." The angel talked in a small weak voice.

"Oh you know exactly, what I mean." He sounded stern, full of power looking down at the small boy. "I heard, you we're TALKING, to a DEMON!" The angel froze in its place, scared, how did he know? He always knows, and the angle knew, he wasn't going to be left alone.

"b-but-" He was cut off as his father struck him across the face making the boy fall over, he didn't scream out or cry, he knew it would only make it worse.

"No buts, You should be ashamed of yourself" 

"I-i'm sorry sir I-"

UK picked him up by the neck and stared at him "put a sock in it." "be grateful your not dead, if I hear of this again there will be sever consequences" UK threw him back on the floor roughly. The boy flinched at the word 'consequences' because he never know what his father would do. 

UK scoffed and walked out the door. Immediately after he left Nada Aussie and Kiwi came out of the room, Canada snuggled him for comfort as Aussie made sure he was okay, Kiwi checked to see if UK had fully left and when he did he went and got an ice pack "guys... you really don't have to help... this happens every time, no biggy..." America said, still grateful for having siblings that are so caring. Canada shook his head and said

"We love you brother. you care for us, we care for you." Aussie nodded in agreement as Kiwi came out with an ice pack.

"if dad won't love you, we just have to give you extra love!" Aussie said spreading his arms and wings out in the air

"awe.. you guys are the best." Ame stood up and walked into the kitchen, it was around dinner time so he made everybody sandwiches with the bread and food they were provided. As everybody ate dinner Ame cleaned all the dishes.

 "Thanks brother!" Canada smiled up at Ame as the others also thanked him, remembering that's just good manners. 

 Ame smiled at them and then looked over at the clock at the wall. "Guys, you know what time it issss?" 

They all looked at each other, the window, and back at Ame "no- not the- "


"Noooooooo!" They all giggled and stood up, the sun was going down so that indicated it was time for bed. 

"You can't escape it!" They all had ran and hidden in random places. Ame heard Nada giggling from under the bed and decided to surprise them. "hmm.... I wonder where they could be..." At that moment Ame dove down pulled Nada from under the bed 

"NoOOoooO!" Nada shrieked and giggled 

"I got you! Now, go brush your teeth" Ame said putting them down.


"awe mannn" Nada walked into the bathroom to brush their teeth

"now to find the others..." Ame opened up the closet and saw Aussie hiding on one side, and Kiwi on the other "Gotcha!" They both tried to make a run for it but failed as Ame scooped Kiwi and Aussie up with both arms. 

"Awwwwwwww!"  they both said in sync 

"brush your teeth and change into pj's, i'll get you guys water if you need it." Ame put them both down by the bathroom as he went into his room, he locked the door and quickly changed. switching his blindfold to a light gray, when he was done he walked out into the living room and got some cups of water. 

"Brotherrrrrr" Nada called from his room. 

"Yes?" He walked into the room 

"I can't get my shirt over my wingsss T^T" America sighed and shook his head walking over to help Canada. Taking care of these children was a very, very, very difficult but, he still found a way to push thru, and love them all the same. He didn't have much else to do, and since his mom died, it's all he's been able to do. And he's proud of that.

"Bedtime story! Bedtime story!" Ame sighs and walks over to they're beds, they all slept in the same room witch made it easier. (America had his own room) the room had a bunk bed for Aussie and Kiwi, while Nada had their own bed. He thought he was cool with his own bed. 

"A story you say?" they nod "well, what type?"

"A happy story!" Canada yelled out

"One with dangerous explorers! With giant man eating crocodiles!" Aussie said mimicking a crocodile with his hands

"What Aussie said but without the man eating part!" Kiwi said glancing at Aussie.

"How about a fairy tale, with suspense, just without death." Everyone looked at each other and agreed "Okay then... how about, Rumpelstiltskin? Have you heard of him?" They shook their heads no and laid in bed ready for the story.

 After the story they we're all fast asleep. Ame stood up silently and walked to his room, turning off all the lights. how did I end up with such amazing siblings like them? I don't deserve such sweet beans, why did it happen? Is there really a god out there? If so, why did mom die? Why am I different? Why can't I talk with the nice demons...? Ame thought to himself sitting in bed. he stared up at the ceiling for a few seconds and then got back up. this isn't fair, he will go to the demons again tomorrow. no matter what. but I have to prepare, I can't get caught. Ame was determined.

He made an outfit for the morning and made sure everybody was sleeping. Once he was sure they were he opened the window and flew out, he wanted to make sure he knew a path to the meeting spot without being caught. He climbed on the roof and flew off into the distance, he didn't want to take long, just in case his siblings woke up. As he found the clearing he saw something off in the distance, it was a giant castle, a giant brick castle. It looked old, and dark. "That must be where the Devil lives...." He mumbled to himself knowing it was late and nobody else was there he decided to inspect the clearing a bit more. He looked around at the cliff and saw threw the hole clearing there is an exact line where the grass and trees go from thriving to dead. "this must be the crossing..." The Crossing was a place where the holy lands merged into the evil grounds, why are those names so, weird? Well, nobody knows. That's life, listen to the story.

Ame felt.... strange in such a place, so he decided to spread his wings and fly home. the light glow of his halo guided him through the dark night. When he got back home he silently crept in through the window and got into bed, tomorrow he will go against his father's word. he can do this....! Right? Tomorrow. Will be a new day. A nicer... Day.


annnnnd! Its done! hope you enjoy it -w- and there will be extra drama next chapta. don't worry people.

(PS I will add a picture a little later)

ADIOS! (1277 words)

Edit: Changed a few things but yea :p

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