03: Crush

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Its been two weeks since boun and prem officially met on seven eleven and the junior had never left his side ever since that day just like as of the moment, Boun's last class is about to be dismissed and he sees prem outside of their classroom by the windows waving his cute hands and his small happy eyes that sparkles—They were dismissed a little earlier and as soon as boun steps outside "Boun! Let's skate!" Prem exclaims as he chased after his senior who speeds walking "Hey! I haven't even finished yet! Hia!!" Prem yells at that point and almost everyone turned their hands on the hallways, making Boun stop on his track, facing the younger he says bluntly"Why do you even want to skate? you suck at it. don't even try Nong" prem can't skate for god sakes, Boun thoughts.

"Ha! Just wait and see im gonna ask P'mean to teach me to skate and i'll rub it in your face once i know so many many many tricks!" Prem whines and boun only laughs at the younger, how can someone be so cute and pretty? Boun mentally slaps himself because what was he thinking? smiling at the sight of prem acting silly who always follows him around? does he have a crush on prem? the prem who never stops talking and eating so many bags of lays chips? the prem who always yells at him and calls him hia?

"Hiaaaaa.. Hia!"

"Jesus christ! why do you always have to yell?!"

"well why do you always stare?"

badum. badum.

badum. badum.

That was Boun's heart beat screaming-wilding inside and ranging in joy "h-huh?" Boun can't construct a proper phrase "I-i wasn't even looking! You're delusional"

"Okay then Im going now"

"Go where?"

"To P'mean he must be willing to teach me to skate anyways"

"Ugh, whatever let's just go. i will teach you again"

It was always been like that, prem on his bike on their way to the park to skate, eat on a convenience store, sometimes they also eat on a ice cream parlor and Boun basically is Prem's personal driver at that time.

Prem didn't do anything aside from annoy him which he kind of gets used to and Boun is not complaining at all, he just likes to pretend he is complaining just to see the younger whine cutely and talk in pout.

"Why do you always laugh at me when im being mad! meanie!" Prem complains at the elder who's busy laughing quietly at him

"I am not" Boun denies but still got that smile on his face "You are though.." Prem sulks

"Alright alright i promise i won't laugh at you ever again. I promise" Boun says before sipping on his milkshake "But why do you laugh at me anyways?" Prem asks out of curiosity because it's always like that, the scenario is always him being flustered by the other's remarks and laughing at him whenever he gets mad "Its just that you're cute.. you're cute when you're mad" Boun says nonchalantly as if he didn't just speak up about what he feels for the younger

"H-huh?" Prem was red as a tomato and then there's that stupid pretty smile Boun owns before he cups the younger's cheeks with his hands "You're so cute and almost like a sunshine"

"Actually no, you are a sunshine"

"W-why do you say that.. do i look like a flower?"

"No dumbass. You're my sunshine"

Gangsta's Ray Of Sunshine // BounPremWhere stories live. Discover now