07: skool luv affair

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Monday rolls back and requirements for the graduating students are getting heavier and Boun wasn't fond of school works but oddly enough he had a smile plastered on his face as he finishes up his last exam that day with a long ass essays.

Stepping out from their classroom he made his way to building C where he could find Prem probably stressing about his math exam, Boun decided its best to give the younger some snacks since that kid is practically in a serious relationship with the chips of Lays— When he walked passed by the younger's classroom he noticed the room was somewhat empty, he peaks in at one of the windows near the door and there he saw Prem with that Mean again.

Mean was a senior too, they're not close at all since Mean was from the higher section, A whilst he was at section C. It doesn't really matter at that time, he felt a slightest bit of jealousy. He once offered to tutor Prem but the younger refused because according to him, he can handle it "Seems like you didn't handle it well" Boun scoffs and instead of walking away, he just stood there right beside the door and leans on the wall. He stayed there with his brows furrowed, intensely staring at the floor as if challenging.

It took at least thirty minutes before the two finally decided to wrap the tutor up, Prem and Mean are quite close friends, they've been friends ever since considering that they both live in the same neighborhood. Mean is a good friend, he's really smart too and whenever Prem needs help with his classes he can just go to Mean's house in a span of five minutes— Prem swings his backpack on and grabs his math book, laughing at Mean's remarks "Since you did well today you can grab a Lay in your store for free just imagine it as my treat"

Mean opens the door and was caught off guard upon seeing Boun "Jesus christ! You could've made a sound" Mean helds his chest in a dramatic way but Boun wasn't having none of that "Well you could've told me you got someone else to teach you" Boun says as he saw the Younger who stares at him, confused.


"Nevermind. Here, i got you some snacks" Boun was a little sulky but seeing how he made Prem smile was enough for him to forget what he had felt a while ago "Let's go, Im giving you a ride home today" Boun offers

"Uh.. How about P'mean?"

"What about him?"

"Hia! That's mean, We'll just walk together, besides we live in the same neighborhood"

Boun didn't know that but he just nods, its not like he can just grab Prem's wrist and walk away from the scene, its not kdrama and he's definitely nothing but just a friend "Okay then, I'll get going" Boun says before he walks out, hands in the pockets of his slacks uniform. That day, he told himself that friends are just friends. He's just a friend to Prem and so should Prem is to him.

Unbeknownst to him, Prem's reason as to why he can't be in the same space or room with Boun is because of his heart pounding so hard in his chest and he can't let Boun know his condition.

He doesn't want Boun to be anyone like a friend or family to him.


AN:// IMPORTANT : i realized i put the wrong chapter tittle on chap 6 the school boy one it should he skater boy or whatever so like yea titles are not really that important i mean if ur bothered by it, don't be. also previous chapter was just an explanation as to what goes on in the area of drug exploitation and whatnots. its going to be relevant in the story heheheh also uhmm.. Lay in this story is actually Talay i don't remember mentioning him so yeah. more ships to come actually 🤪 happy reading!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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