04:Ozari Akuma

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Boun was able to held all meetings needed without having himself puking at the dirty ways of the gang's way of living but he realizes all these so called good role model he sees on the national television are not so good at all, he had met various of famous people, most of them politicians and some were just those rich brats who lives off of their rich parents money.

The Ozari Akuma, their gang is one of Bangkok's richest gang and number one drug exploiters in the country. They ranked fourth in Asia after Beijing and Seoul, Ozari Akuma Gang is not just well known in thailand, they're a diverse and huge gang originated in Japan, They used to be associates with the Yakuza and their Akuma, the leader of the gang had an issue with the said gang that's why moving in to thailand, His Uncle Noah and his biological father were the first members of the Ozari Akuma making them the seniors.

It goes way beyond history and more than just a fraternity gang, he realized that he wouldn't be able to just run away from Ozari because right now, he sees Gawin, a mixed thai-american kid trying to quit from the gang but couldn't. That's when Boun realized this whole thing is not easy and simple, so he had a plan.

As soon as he saw Gawin he called his attention "Here" he extends his arms to give the other a lighter "You tryna quit?" Boun asks, starting a smooth conversation and Gawin looks at him for a second before speaking up "We're doomed here. This whole gang shit? Its for a life time. We can never quit"

"I know that, my father kind of told me too. Why were you even trying?"

"Well, my father decided to show up again after all these years. Its not too bad if i give him another chance and besides i can just extend our business in america"

"What? You're going to continue living like this?"

"Boun, If you can't get out of a crisis, take the crisis into opportunity. Im heading out today. You can ask Lay to deliver the rest. Im off"

Boun can go in deep trouble but he has a plan, a plan that will change his life.

On his way back home, he stopped by the seven eleven store to get a some stuffs and of fucking course he sees Prem with a wide smile waving his hands cutely "Hia!!"

Boun wasn't disappointed upon seeing Prem but he was shy with what he is wearing, he looked like he didn't even change into proper pjs "Why are you wearing shorts?" Boun asks not because he is a perv but because he genuinely cares for the younger. Some bastards may stare at him and have dirty thoughts when they shouldn't. People today are fucking stupid, you see, just because they see some skin their minds automatically projects a scenario that shouldn't be even there like is it so hard to be not malicious minded? He is just scare people get bad ideas for Prem because he can't imagine what things he can do and Boun surely doesn't want his Nong to witness him being violent.

"Its hot today and i live upstairs! its fine. my Phi is here too. He manages this place" Prem explains before sipping on his slurpee

"Ah. is that so? Right, im just going to get a few stuffs here and go home" Boun makes his way to get a few things with of course prem following him

"What?" Boun exclaims

"Nothing. Can't i look at Hia while he picks stuffs?"

"Stop that. You're creepy"

"Hia, admiring a beautiful picture is not being creepy" Prem says before finally walking out from him.

He was stuck for a minute on that place.

Prem's remarks kept on replaying in his head like a broken cassette.

AN:// Hi! i decided to continue this but updates are going to be really really slow. Im sorry and thank you for reading!! 💗💗💗

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