02 | little green dude

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02 | little green dude

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02 | little green dude

     Madlyn hurried inside the building, holding a cardboard tray of coffees in one of her hands as the other held her tan coat over her shoulder. She shivered after being in the cold so long, being careful as to not spill the coffees. As she hurried along, she saw Elle making her way towards her, followed by the other agents.

"Maddie, perfect," Elle said, gesturing for Madlyn to walk with them. She turned back around, giving her a confused look as she walked beside Elle. "Coffee."

     "What?" Madlyn took a moment. "Oh! Right." She looked at the lids, picking up the one with 'EG' scribbled in the top. "This is yours."

     "Thank you, kind madame," Elle said with a smile, taking a sip and letting it fall back in when Madlyn looked away.

     Madlyn picked up the coffee for Hotch. "Sir," she announced, turning and walking backwards to hand the coffee to him. He thanked her as she looked back at the coffees. "Doc." She blew back the hair that had fallen in her face as she handed the last cup to Spencer, who thanked her also.

She dropped the tray in the trash can and turned around, not hearing Elle's warnings as she walked straight into the glass door. "Oh, my God, are you okay?"

Madlyn nodded. "I'm okay," she assured, pulling the door open and stepping outside. She rubbed her nose carefully and in pain, letting her hand fall to her side. "Shoot, my notebook is inside," she announced, ready to turn around when they were almost at the cars.

     "You don't have one in your trench coat?" Derek joked.

     Madlyn faked a laugh before pointing out it wasn't a trench coat. "It's actually a lapel collar tweed coat and I spent a lot of money on this," she told him.

     "Sorry, a fancy trench coat," he corrected.

     "And expensive," Madlyn added, with a nod.

     "Madlyn," Hotch called over.

     She turned and nodded, hurrying into the backseat of the black SUV as he and Jason Gideon hurried into the front. Madlyn slammed the door closed behind her as Spencer Reid sat in the back with her.

     They got there fast, Hotch going over vital information for Madlyn to understand what they were looking at. Madlyn being the last in the house after being told there was a notebook sitting somewhere in the car. "Madlyn." She looked over to Hotch. "Go look upstairs, take notes of anything which you think might be important," he instructed.

     Madlyn agreed and walked up the stairs, twirling the pen between her fingers. She entered what she assumed to be the room of the unsub, met by a few agents whom she greeted politely. She wrote at the top of the page 'SLESSMAN'.

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