09 | railways

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09 | railway

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09 | railway

Madlyn sat on the row across from Elle on the train, sighing. "I just don't get why you wanted me here," she said, raising an eyebrow. "What help will I be?"

     "Maddie, believe me, you'll be a lot more help to me than you think. Besides, you said you were wanting to see your brother," Elle defended, offering a small smile.

     Madlyn nodded, resting her head against the window and watching the world pass. What help would she be? She was only an assistant. If Elle needed help, she should have taken Spencer.

     Madlyn turned the ring on her finger, mind drifting back to her argument with Jacob that morning. She didn't want it to, but with Elle trying to figure out what Gideon was saying while she read over the file she had nothing else to do.

     Maybe she shouldn't have left things on bad terms. Then again, there only seemed to be bad terms when it came to her and Jacob's relationship. But all relationships had rough patches, they just needed to get through it.

     Elle was trying her hardest not to break focus and ask about the faded bruise across Madlyn's cheek. She knew it wasn't her business. But if Jacob was hitting her more than it was let on (everyone at the BAU knew, but Madlyn always insisted it wasn't on purpose and he never meant it), then maybe it was her business.


     The train crashed to a stop, everyone jerking slightly in their seats. Madlyn's eyes widened, looking around.

     "What the hell was that?" one man asked.

     The train cart doors opened, a guard walking through. "Everything's alright, folks. Everybody just relax. Everything's gonna be fine."

     Madlyn didn't believe him and she was sure no one else did. The man stopped beside Elle when Madlyn asked what happened, saying it was nothing. Noticing the FBI file on Elle's lap, he crouched down. "You on the job?"

     "FBI," Elle answered, nodding.

     "Suicide. Somebody jumped in front of the train," the guard said, voice quiet so only Madlyn and Elle could hear. Madlyn winced at his words.

     "Is there anything I can do?"

     "Unfortunately we have this procedure down pretty well." He stood up, telling everyone to stay calm once again.

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