Chapter 65

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Daiki sat down and opened his mouth but he shut it up, this repeated for God only knows how long.

"Just say what you want to say, were here for you Dude" Roy said while smiling. Daiki sighed.

'Wow just how low did I step down this time, being consoled by a child' Daiki thought to himself.

"Well, I'm here to explain on what just happened earlier" Daiki said while everyone listened.

"It's quite a funny story actually, it's just me getting taken over by my instincts and finding the one I love and wanting to be spoiled because of the stress piling up on me" Daiki said in a joking manner but his friends knew better than to believe that fake laugh and smile, they knew that there was somethingmore to that specific story especiallythe stress part.

"Then a bastard barged into our house then announced himself as the Prince of the Kitsune's or Fox people and the fiancé of Tatsumaki which really made my blood boil but I held back since Tatsumaki's parents was talking with him but he said something that could never be forgiven so I sort off went slightly berserk on him which really relieved me from a little bit of stress" Daiki said while smiling genuinely as he remembered the humiliation he made the bastard face. Everyone can only wryly smile at this while Tatsumaki full on laughed.

"He should be grateful since he only faced humiliation not torture" Tatsumaki said then started laughing again.

'Humiliation is much worse than torture for a noble with high standing' Everyone thought but Roy and the others also laughed once they pieced the puzzle together. They knew for sure that Daiki knew about this and did that as a sort of torture to the bastard but one question remained.

'What did he say?' they thought and they knew for sure that Daiki wouldn't say it so they looked at Tatsumaki.

Tatsumaki got the question so she went closer to them and whispered the answer to them, their blood started to boil like magma due to anger since they knew the truth except for Rein since she didn't know the truth at that time.

"That Bastard!!" Roy shouted in range enough for him to make magma like streams appear on his fur, Daiki took note of this but it quickly faded which confused Daiki greatly.

"I am not going to let that asshole get away about what he said!!" Rina said then Tatsumaki felt something get out of her and go to Rina but she didn't know what it was.

"Don't worry Daiki and Tatsumaki we won't let that bastard get his way" the rest of their friends said then they both felt a slight tug but it wasn't enough for the spirits to get out.

"Thanks guys" Daiki and Tatsumaki said at the same time then they hugged their friends.

"I don't want to ruin the moment but we need to start the practice" Professor Jason said as he motioned for them to practice their skills.

"Can we, you know... take part at the practice?" Daiki asked.

"NO! If the two of you joined while your both mentally unstable then it would only spell disaster on epic proportions!! To the point that the entire continent might be destroyed!!!" Professor Jason reasoned loudly while also scolding the two while Daiki and Tatsumaki nodded in understanding but they didn'ttake it to heart.

"Don't worry dude we will definitely humiliate that guy" Roy said then placed his hand on Daiki's shoulder and at this exact moment Kerberos or Cerberus, in most stories, went outside of Daiki to give his powers to Roy.

Roy's hair/fur started glowing while streaks of red hot magma like substance covered him, his fangs started to grow, his claws also got sharper but the most noticeable change was his blood red eyes and dangerous  aura.

"Roy calm down" Daiki went closer to Roy only to get burned which made him step back.

"This ain't enough to stop me!" Daiki announced then covered himself in ice and charged through with brute force.

"Tatsumaki... help... me" Rina said weakly which made Tatsumaki alert and tried to come close to Rina only to be blinded.

"Agh... Ahhhhhhhh!!!!" Roy and Rina both shouted while their mana signatures went straight out of the roof creating a magma and Light pillar respectively which nearly made Daiki and Tatsumaki launch off of the ground.

Roy now has the center part of his bangs becoming different tones of red to orange along with some magma colored strange lines on his tail and the tips of his ears and tails having a earth like cover.

Rina now also has whiter hair and some silvery gold strands in some parts of hair along with her tail splitting or turning into two.

The two in the middle of the pillars were barely visible that is why when the pillars started to weaken and eventually just plop out of existence as if it was never there in the first place.

"What the?!" Daiki and Tatsumaki both shouted in surprise.

Daiki caught Roy while Tatsumaki caught Rina just as they started to fall down.

"Two down, I guess" Daiki commented while Tatsumaki could only nod still shocked and confused at what had just occurred.

"Tatsumaki, your awfully not calm about this" Daiki commented.

"How could I be calm?!! Our friends just became hosts of two Mythical Beasts!!! My question is why are you so calm about this?!!" Tatsumaki retorted loudly which made everyone laugh to the point that they fell on the floor.

"That just means that they will be much more powerful, besides didn't I already make a contract with those Mythical Beasts to not take over their hosts body but just lives symbioticaly with them?" Daiki casually dismissed Tatsumaki's worries in the blink of an eye.

'Just who are these two besides the Prince and the Princess of their respective Kingdoms?!' Everyone wanted to ask but nobody dared to.

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