Chapter 6

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It is finally time for the magic lessons. To many it is like a dream come true to learn from experts while the others had to figure out what is their spell called.

"Okay guys now we will now do some magic training then an actual combat exercise" Professor Jason (their magic teacher/professor) said. Every student erupted in cheers but Jason stopped them.

"Normally the guards will only watch right? You all knew that, well starting this school year guards will train with their mistress" Jayson said which shocked everyone greatly but two kids were only cheering.

"Why are you so happy?" Ritsu said one of the students which didn't care about social standings. She is the daughter of the Duke but she is the 2nd daughter so she won't likely take the title. She has dark blue long straight hair and a rather small build also she is taller than Daiki and Tatsumaki.

"Well..... We can finally have a class where me and Daiki can go and do things together or compete at" Tatsumaki said kind of shyly but you can see fires of determination in her eyes. Daiki just sweat dropped while raising his hands because everyone is giving the looks that asks 'what happened to you two?' even the professor gave a questioning look.

"Tatsumaki may I ask why you are so determined?" -Jason

"It's because in every match Daiki always knocks me out without even trying" Tatsumaki said while pouting and looking at Daiki.

"Hehehe..." Daiki said while scratching his head.

"You didn't even go easy on her!!!" Rein said another one of Tatsumaki's classmate. She is the Daughter of a earl but she didn't care about social statuses but she hates bullies and mean people. She has green hair with the others in dark green and she has a small build also she is almost at the same height as Daiki and Tatsumaki only shorter by a inch.

Daiki was about to answer until she continued.

"Your engaged as well and you still didn't go easy on her"

"I always go easy on her and FYI I defeated her that fast because I don't want to see her hurt" Daiki exclaimed which almost everyone accepted.

"But if you always go easy on her she won't learn to defend herself" -Jason

"I thought her all kinds of martial arts even none existent in this world and how to combine magic elements" -Daiki

"But experience is the best way to teach" -Jason

"I guess your right but when she gets hurt greatly I will step in and no one can change my mind!!!" Daiki said to the professor while some of the girls are thinking (even the guards)

'I wish I can marry someone like that'.

"Okay class so I will go over the rules,
First and most important don't kill each other, Second you can say you give up when you can't continue, Third if someone interferes the fight will stop or the one getting help will lose, Fourth don't go over the arena or you will automatically lose That is all" Jason said then everybody cheered then Jason made a hand sign which means to stop talking.

"The first battle will be team battles each team will have six to eight members then the second will be individual matches now begin grouping" Jason gave the signal then everyone is now getting people in their groups.

"Hey guys want to team up?" Ritsu asked Daiki and Tatsumaki which made the pair happy because now they have four people.

"Sure is your guard joining too?" Tatsumaki asked full of hope.

"Yes of course I will follow my mistress wherever she goes" her guard said.

"Wish I can say the same I can't even go to the restroom" Daiki exclaimed still salty not going to a restroom made for boys he can only go to the staffs restroom.

"I'm glad you can't enter the girls restroom" Tatsumaki said which made Daiki pout.

"I am not that perverted I am not even a pervert in the first place, never have never will!!" Daiki said pouting yet quite mad, which made their group laugh.

A certain someone heard that then she hissed at their direction.

"Umm... Can we join you too?" A shy white haired cat girl said with Rein behind her. She is shorter than Daiki and Tatsumaki by 5 inches.

"Okay but what's your name?" Tatsumaki asked politely while trying to hold her urge to pet her but in a distance Daiki can be seen doing the same holding in the urge to pet and snuggle her he might be a six years old physically he is still a twenty years old guy if you add his previous age and he still has a teenagers hormones and worse teenager otaku hormones.

"What you trying to befriend girls that have high social status?!!" Rein accused Tatsumaki.

"No I only want to know her name because if we didn't know her name we can't communicate properly" Tatsumaki defended.

"My name is Rina nice to meet you" Rina the cat girl said while offering her hand for a handshake.

"Hello my name's Tatsumaki nice to meet you too" Tatsumaki then shakes her hand

"I am Rein and my guard here is Tina" Rein said while pointing to her guard.

"My name is Tina and I am the guard of Miss Rein" Tina introduced herself.

"Yo" a guard said to Daiki which surprised him because this guard is also a male but has dog features. He has brown hair with blackish brown highlights and has a slim yet kind of muscular build. (Keep in mind they are still 6 years olds)

"Are you a guard?" Daiki asked questioningly.

"Yes I am the guard of Miss Rina there" the male dog guard answered his question.

"My name is Daiki nice to meet you bro" Daiki then offers his fist for a fist bump.

"My name is Roy nice to meet you too bro" Roy then bumped his fist to Daiki and then they talked about them not being able to go to a proper restroom but had to settle with the staff restroom which made them closer then the girls looked at the two slightly crying boys while giving them weird looks.

"I feel your pain bro" Roy said tearing up.

"Finally I have someone to relate with" Daiki exclaimed also tearing up.

"Hey guys what's up?" -Ritsu

"Yeah, why are you crying Roy? you never cry" Rina exclaimed and worried.

"Yeah you too Daiki your the toughest guy I know, what happened?" Tatsumaki asked concerned.

"We *sniffs* just found *sniffs* common ground" Daiki and Roy said at the same time.

"Ugh.....Men I will never understand them" Rein exclaimed which almost made the two boys angry.

"Agreed" Tina, Ritsu, and Megan (Ritsu's guard) all said at the same time.

"Hey!!! we can say the same thing to girls too!!!" Daiki and Roy said but before they can list the things which made girls complicated to their eyes. Professor Jason announced that the match will now begin.

"Okay now that the teams have formed the match will now START!!!" Professor Jason said then he uses fire magic and make a small explosion in the air.

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