Prologue: The Dullness

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  • Dedicated to Wo Ai Ni


Nothing could actually compare to the pain I'm feeling right now. The kids I play with are not exactly friendly although I have been playmates with them for a long time. What can I do? They are my neighbors so I can practically do nothing if they want to scratch my eyes out or strangle me to death. Yeah, I have always been the underdog. The kind the other children loves to push around and laugh at. Just now, a kid pushed me over which caused me a gash in the forehead. I'm numb to the pain, the physical pain. My heart, on the other hand, is aching so bad. I have been so good to people and I just don't get why they do this to me. I just don't get it.

"I said play with me! Didn't you hear me?", Elie yelled. She is one insecure kid. Maybe because she's fat and ugly and no one wants to play with her. I'd wager she's yelling at me like a boss because she knows I won't fight back. Or can't fight back, to be exact. I hurriedly stood up from the ground where I fell after she pushed me over. She got mad because I didn't notice her coming and asking everyone to come play with her. It's not like I hate her or something. I am not supposed to play in the first place since I am looking over my little sister.

"I am really sorry, Elie. I didn't see you coming as I was watching over my little sister playing at the slide.", I tried my best to explain but one look at her face and I know I have failed, miserably.

"Don't you dare give me an alibi." , Elie stalked off after pulling at my hair. Aw, by gawd, that hurt. I certainly hope people would be a lot nicer to me. They say respect begets respect and with that, I presumed kindness begets kindness as well. Well, I thought wrong. This is the sad reality of life. I looked up at the grey skies wondering when is my dull life going to get better. I hope it is going to be sooner than later.

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