Chapter 1: Dull Eyes

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My life? It's dull. Totally boring. I go to school, get good grades, get bullied and that's about it. Nothing really exciting. Some call me names and others would just ignore me. I get it. I am not interesting enough for them to waste even a second to look at me. I know, I'm a nobody. There are times kids would just snatch my food out of the blue and I just resigned to the fact that this is how my life is going to be forever. Sad life. When is everything going to get better? Who am I kidding. This is how my life is going to be, always and forever. *deep sigh*

"Hey! Give me back my food!", these words erupted from my lips when someone suddenly stole the bacon cheeseburger I'm having for our recess time just before our Music class at Arcana High. This is just one of the million times the world makes me feel so small and helpless. The kids just ran away with my burger whilst sticking out their tongues and laughing to their hearts content. Some posh girls sitting at the other table inside the cafeteria looked on and just laughed like what happened to me is rather amusing to them. It made me wonder why do some people take so much pleasure in someone else's misfortune. Tsk. Tsk. *shakes my head*

Despite all this, I'm getting by just fine. Surprisingly enough, I did not turn out to be such a hateful kid. In fact, I could say I've been really nice to everyone. Happiness is something that radiates from within. I've had my share of trials, struggles and pain but I got over it. It's pointless dwelling in the dark past or wallowing about what's done. Friends call me "The Saint". I grew up practically branded as that since I am too goody-goody for everybody. What's so wrong for being optmistic and cheerful? People nowadays are not that nice so I am trying my best to not add up to the statistics.

*school bell rings*

Recess time is over and its time to go back to reality so I got up and started walking towards my Music class. Arcana High is basically the best school I could ever wish for. Here, I met a few mother hens. I mean, friends who actually understands and accepts who I am. Because of them, my life has been a lot more tolerable. I get free food sometimes and even some hand-me-down goodies that actually makes me very happy.

I come from a poor family so having generous friends really help. Don't get me wrong, I am in no way sucking up to these rich kids just for the money. They mean more than that to me. Anyways, so much for all that drama. I need to hurry or else I'll be late for the Music class and I would never want to annoy Miss Chen else she'll give me hell. As I was hurrying down the pathway, I noticed a few guys at the corner next to our classroom discussing a few things. One guy stole a glance at me and made me ask myself what are they talking about. It could not possibly be me since I do not personally know them. I shrugged it off and just proceeded to the classroom and as I was getting nearer the door, I heard one guy faintly mentioned my name which made me go all ears in an instant.

"Should I tell Lee about it?", the guy in a checkered blue polo said in a low voice. The uncertainty in his voice made me stop from my tracks. I turned and slowly walked towards them while mentally rehearsing what should I say in front of these guys. They are not just your ordinary guys, they are the cool kids at school as you know it.

A few of them noticed me coming and motioned to the guy who had his back to me as if telling him he's been caught red-handed. He turned towards me and just like what you see in the movies or even read in the books, everything was happening in slow motion. However, the absence of a smile on his face made me think that I am probably imagining things. It did not stop me though from carefully taking in all the details of his face. Mesmerizing eyes, perfect set of teeth. I could go on forever but I should stop daydreaming and just get down to business for once instead of drooling over this guy in front of some people I know who's going to think of me like I'm crazy.

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