Chapter 2: Dull Music Class

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  • Dedicated to Cloud Disney


The guys were laughing at the silliness of the girl with a hair all over the place. She just came up to them suddenly and started stammering out of nowhere. She must have heard them talking about someone named Lee. Oh, wait. Is she the Lee they were talking about?

"Yo, Luke! You just messed up your first chance to get her.", and what Mich just said confirmed my speculation. "Yeah, dude. What you did was just cold. Ice cold." laughed Yuan making his chinky eyes disappear. "But, way to go, Hardy. You covered us up all too well." continued Yuan in a serious note while checking his hair with his hands. I swear he is pretty conscious with his kpop idol look. What a weirdo. "Yeah, so you guys better shut the hell up if you still want to live.", Hardy answered Yuan with a sneer. "Poor girl, though. Luke isn't even doing anything but there she goes falling real hard for him." sighed Hardy and his features softened. Or am I just seeing things? It is way impossible for him to have a crush on that girl. What am I even thinking? Am I jealous? Hell, no! I don't even know that girl. Hardy then shook his head and started walking. "Come on, guys. We don't want Miss Chen to blow us up to bits." he uttered on his way and the other guys slowly followed.

On we walked towards the Music room. I remembered Miss Chen wanted Switch to come over and give a few pointers to students taking up music classes. Some of the guys just cant stop talking about the silly girl while me on the other hand just can't seem to stop replaying the scene in my head when she looked back at me. I was beginning to think that she likes me with the way she looked at me but then she hit her head into the door and I could just be imagining things. Lol. I wouldn't want a clumsy girl to have a crush on me, would I? With that thought in mind, a playful smile formed on my lips which unfortunately didn't go unnoticed by this prankster Yuan.

"Well, well, well! Lookee here! Our heartthrob just smiled. I think he's in love with that clumsy nerd." Yuan teased, laughing in between his words making me frown. "Hey, I saw you! Don't pretend you didn't.", he continued and then slapped my back so hard I needed to cough and catch my breath. He is not just weird. He is definitely crazy! This jerk. Arrgggh!

"Shut up, Yuan", someone spoke up with so much authority that I can see Yuan's laughing face turned sour in an instant. Who else can make him stop and react like that? No one else but his twin brother, Yuri, of course. They are like night and day, darkness and light, yin and yang. Really, they are as opposite as North Pole and South Pole. Yuri always comes to the rescue every single time Yuan creates a mess. Basically, he cleans up after his brother. "Awww, come on! We're just having fun! Right, boys?", whined Yuan asking for approval from the group and the others just agreed in hushed voices careful not to offend Yuri. Its like everybody is scared of how Yuri will react if they tolerate Yuan's pranks. I can also see that everyone respects him. Yuan was still whining and muttering curses under his breath. For me, there is nothing more annoying than hearing Yuan whining like a guinea pig. "Will you shut up? You are starting to annoy me.", hissed Yuri while glaring at Yuan with a talk-back-and-you're-dead look. Consider it a miracle but the prankster turned into mute with just that. Wow. Just wow. Now I understand why the others have so much respect for Yuri. Yuan was about to answer him back but was stopped by Hardy's, "Uh-oh...". One look at the ridiculous expression written all over Hardy's face and we all know what was that about.

"So, are we going to have my Music class here?", asked Miss Chen with a big smile. Everyone who knows Miss Chen know that she rarely smiles and if she did, it means she is certainly not happy with whatever it is you did or are doing. I can't help but stifle a laugh looking at Hardy's reaction. I just don't understand why a guy like Hardy doesn't like dealing with the likes of Miss Chen. She is pretty but somewhat frigid and very strict. Maybe because Hardy is a born charmer but Miss Chen isn't the type he can just charm all he wants and get away with it. I heard she's a fresh graduate and Arcana High is her first school to practice her profession at. "Hello?", Miss Chen uttered exasperatedly while waving her hand on the air. "What, are you guys deaf or something?", and then she turned and walked away from us.

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