Chapter Eight

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Each person freezes as Annebelle pulls out the pistol. 

The action is a surprise to everyone, and even the guards behind her seem to tense up.

"I guess there's no reason to keep you around then." There's a loud click that echoes the cell as she puts the gun off of safety mode.

"Sorry sweetheart."

Before she can pull the trigger, one of the guards intervene.

"Wait- let's stop to consider this for a moment."

"Know your place Jack, unless you're willing to take the bullet for him?"

It's no surprise that the guard doesn't respond, and Peter squeezes his eyes shut to prepare himself.

He wishes that he could properly say goodbye to May; he knew that his death was going to destroy her. He wants to hug her and never let go, take in the smell of her Target brand perfume and remind her that she is always loved by him, alive or dead.

He also thinks about Ned, hoping that he would be able to move on without Peter by his side. The two had been so excited for their school trip coming up. The class was planning to visit Europe, and Peter and Ned had spent hours on his dingy computer, looking up tourist attractions for when they got there. He hopes that Ned still goes even after Peter is gone.

He was going to miss life, especially now that he had just gotten it back from the snap. However, maybe death wouldn't be so bad after all. He could reunite with Ben, potentially even find his parents. He tries not to think of it as the end, but instead a new beginning.

He prays for the first time in years, and waits.

When a gunshot doesn't follow, Peter peaks an eye open to see Annabelle now looking at Tony.

"How about you, would you like to take a bullet for the kid?"

Tony hesitates, looking at Peter as if he were trying to solve a puzzle. The pieces don't seem to align and he directs his attention back at Annabelle.

"Leave the boy alone, he's an innocent bystander who has nothing to do with this."

Annabelle laughs at the words, recognizing them from the first day Peter and Tony were kidnapped. "So you really don't remember?"

Tony's jaw clenches the slightest bit, but other than that no emotions reveal themself as he shakes his head.

"And here I thought you were bluffing," she laughs again, seemingly amused by the turn of events, "luckily for you, I can be compassionate."

Finally, she lowers the pistol and Peter can breathe again. Annabelle steps forward so she's face-to-face with Tony, and her eyes threaten him without needing to say any words. Still, she drops her voice low so only Tony can hear, but Peter is still able to listen.

"I don't want any problems from you from here on out, know that I will not hesitate to shoot your son whether you remember him or not."

She leaves with a dramatic exit, stomping the ground and expecting her minions to follow close behind. Of course they do, and Peter and Tony are left alone in seconds.

Tony turns so he is facing Peter, looking as if he had just seen a ghost.

"You're my son?"

Maybe Peter was still in shock, or maybe he has reached the point where he simply doesn't care anymore. Whatever the reason may be, he begins to laugh for the first time in weeks, the kind of laugh that has someone bent over and gasping for breaths by the end of it.

Tony seems confused, but he wordlessly lets Peter have his moment to collect himself.

Except that he doesn't. Half way through the fits of giggles, Peter's laughs turn into sobs, and he's unable to pull himself together as he mourns the loss of the best thing he's had since Ben.

Because Peter saw it on Tony's face, even if it was only there for a split second. He knew that Tony wasn't willing to take a bullet for him, not anymore at least.

He feels selfish for being this upset; just yesterday he was furious at Tony for the exact opposite reason. He would never want Tony to put his life at risk to protect Peter, and if anything he should be grateful by the new change of heart.

He takes a deep breath and wipes the tears away from his face, forcing himself to calm down. Peter reminds himself not for the first time that he couldn't afford to break down yet.

He decides to make the best of the situation.

"What if I told you I knew a way to get us out of this cell?"

Peter's voice was still wet, though Tony was kind enough to ignore the tremble in it, "I'd ask why we're still here."

Peter actually smiles, confusing Tony even more.

"Mister Stark, I have something to tell you."

"Should I be worried?"

Peter laughs at that, and it sounds manic even to his own ears, "I'm Spider-Man."

Tony's mouth physically drops at the confession, and he stares at Peter as if he grew two heads. "Spider-what?"

"I'm a superhero," he tries again.

"But you're like twelve."

Peter scoffs at that, trying not to be offended. "I am seventeen years old."

"Word of advice, if you say 'years old' after sharing your age, then you're probably too young."

"I'll be eighteen in a month!"

"Not helping your case Parker."

Peter doesn't respond, instead he turns to the wall and begins to climb it. He makes it all the way to the ceiling before he jumps down, flipping back and landing in a squat in front of Tony.

Tony stands there for a minute, looking simultaneously impressed and terrified of Peter's show. Eventually, however, he finds his voice.

"Alright, I'm listening."

And so, Peter finally pulls himself together and begins to form his makeshift plan. He knows that Tony would have never agreed to it if he still had his memories, and Peter uses the amnesia to his advantage.

A part of him feels guilty, but he knows that it's the right thing to do. Tony wouldn't survive another second in electroconvulsive therapy.

Peter will do whatever it takes, life be damned. 

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