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" Guess we all are born with parts to play

some of us are stars and some are just in the way~

I know I was meant for glory,

but that's never what my story brings~

and yet I keep on waiting~

when you have the passion and the drive,

you expect your moment center stage to arrive~

I show up heart blazing" ash sang thinking back to how he risked his life to save his mom, and help molly and Entai.

" ready to achieve amazing things" ash sang thinking back to how he lost the Shiloh league, because of Tobias being a cheater. " and yet I've left WAITING IN THE WINGS~!" he then thought on how he was never praised or thanked, he didn't want praise but he would like a hug or a thank you, once in a while.......


and yet I'm kept there waiting~

Know what to do~" ash snag remembering saving Mewtwo by helping him to the healing lake. 

"And I still stand there waiting~" ash sang thinking about how everyone took his help for granted.

"It's always someone else who sings~" ash sang remembering how everyone thanked Gary for helping people get out of the school when it was on fire, but that was him not gray, yet Gary took all the credit. even though he started it, and clung to ash crying! " While I'm left waiting in the wings~!"

"And so I keep keeping on~!

My chances come..." ash sang remembering how misty took credit for what he did" and then they're gone......."

" ALWAYS OVERLOOKED UNFAIRLY~!" ash sang remembering how he never won a league........ and people mocking him, even though he saves their assess on a day to day basis.........

" WHILE PRETENDING THAT IT BARELY STINGS~!" ash sang remembering his father calling him a failure " OH IT STINGS~! YES, IT STINGS~! 

I'll only keep on waiting~

IF NO ONE CHEERS~! ( for no one did when he saved Mewtwo, Hoopa, arecus, or even team rocket)

well, I can keep on waiting!

Who cares how long......the silence rings.......

YOU'LL FIND ME WAITING IN THE WINGS~!" ash sang he took a step off a building expecting to die, but he didn't he opened his eyes to see he was in a different world on the ground? confused ash turned to see a being handing him his cap, before bowing......


" Uh.........hi." ash said

"LYIVVVVVIUFBINNPIN?" the being asked 

" uh yeah I guess." ash said

"GHCCHBJHNPIJ!!!" the being said before grabbing him and taking him to a castle

" hun?" ash said

"RJBBNK?" the being asked

"I can't understand you....." ash said

"R." the being said before head bumping ash

" are you ash?" the being asked

" um yes." ash said, " why?"

" Hola your greatness we received your call of distress when you tried to take your life. so we brought you here, your highness ." the being said

" your highness?!" ash said shocked

The Search For Ash Ketchum~! (mewtwo x ash) ( Firstshipping)Where stories live. Discover now