About (y/n)

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Name: (y/n) (l/n)

Age: 3,000 years

Race: Satulumian
The Satulumian race known to Britannia went nearly extinct except for (y/n) who acts as the lone monarch to the realm of Satulumia. The realm itself is very much alive but only (y/n) bears distinct connections to it and only she can decide who may enter and leave it. Satulumia is the sister realm to Purgatory. With that (y/n) has similar abilities to demons, however; none of the same.

Magical abilities:
- potion making: the types of potions (y/n) makes can only be made with the incorporation of a certain Satulumian fruit, so she is the only person who can make these potions. The only one besides herself who she's shared the secret with is Merlin.
- Lumen: (y/n)'s Main magical ability is known as lumen which gives her the ability to mend and utilize all light as well as the sun and moon. Her power was deemed as too dangerous and was partially taken along with Meliodas's.
- Flying: (y/n) has the ability to use and retract golden wings. This takes very little magic power as most Satulumian people have them.

Physical abilities:
- (y/n) is proficient in martial arts as well as aerobics.

(Y/n)'s parents and sister all perished 3,000 years ago amidst the early stages of the holy war. The Satulumian people never took part in the war as they thought it was a stupid waste of power. (y/n) was just a child back then but her family was killed in a raid on their castle by the stigma for information being hidden away.

(Y/n) is one of the more powerful people up with Meliodas, Merlin, and Escanor. However she is not nor has not ever been a member of the seven deadly sins. She has been close with Meliodas for the last 2,500 years and always was very good friends with all the sins. Her and Merlin go very far back and she is someone (y/n) can trust more than almost anyone.



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Weapons: -  Solaria: a powerful dagger (y/n) keeps on hand

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- Solaria: a powerful dagger (y/n) keeps on hand. Solaria is the hilt of a dagger but the actual blade is made of a near blinding light with the ability to cut almost anything and everything.
- Ban: (y/n) and Ban have such a close friendship that Ban would be willing to go to the ends of the earth for her. Just as she would for him. Thus Ban is considered a weapon when it comes to protecting (y/n).

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