Akakuro the last Movies

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Just take it like Naruto the last movie for Akakuro movies moment just replace the role of Hinata and Naruto


Kuroko a bit depressing as he sew a muffles for the person he loves. He almost finish

He didn't realize time went flees so fast so he finally finish putting on inside the present beg

Akashi was busy, always busy. For missions that's it. Forget his times

There's someone approached Kuroko.
Danger, danger, danger, danger.

Kuroko felt something a dark aura come from the person. He took back step when that person step forward

“ W-who are you? ” Kuroko nervous to see trying kidnapped him.

“ Me? My name is Toneri Otsusuki. I've cone to take you to be my bride. ”

“ Huh? Don't come closer to--! ” Kuroko's sentence was cut off by an enemy who suddenly make a move on him and kidnapped travel through dimension world to Toneri's world.

Kuroko was unconscious in Toneri's arms.


Meanwhile Akashi's side

' Why I do feeling uneasy and had a feeling about this? Never mind, I'm gonna visit Tetsuya later after I finish this mission and earn more money for ring for him, after all this is today is the day I'm proposal to him' Akashi's though as intruder come forwards and through their shuriken which Akashi manage dodge all of their shuriken and catch their alive. After that Akashi bring a criminal shinobi to A police.

Akashi soon got a rewards and went over to a shop, for a ring of course he's gonna surprised for Tetsuya.

Once Akashi got a ring that was in a box putting inside his pocket jacket.

A suddenly a familiar person come approach Akashi, It's Shikamaru

Akashi blinked and turn his head at Shikamaru “ Isn't there something wrong, Shikamaru? ” An unexpected he's got a bad news looks like feeling uneasy is come true for him

“ Kuroko got kidnapped! Come quickly, Akashi! We're in a big pinch trouble! ” -Shikamaru say, “ What!? I come with you, let's go! ” Akashi eyes widen at the first them nodding and go along with Shikamaru, jumper till reach to Hokage's office


To Toneri's side

' Looks like my bride is ready. He's quite cute in that dress that was passing down from my last generation. ' - Toneri's thought as he watch Kuroko come in in awe cannot help but stare at Kuroko in admire way

Kuroko's eyes look down, silent as he walk towards Toneri. He glup since he's powerless, his strength cannot win against that person. He also wish somebody save me from this person.

“ Come here, Kuroko. ” Toneri's tone can be sent a chills to Kuroko's

Kuroko walked over to Toneri's side nervously. Toneri about touch Kuroko till a suddenly a door open was louder, they turn their head toward it.

Kuroko's eyes widen feeling like he didn't lose hoping. Finally a person come rescue him!

“ Get that shitting off your hands from him, peasant! ”

Who was it rescue Kuroko?

Flashback to Hokage's office

“ Akashi, I'm gonna give you this mission. It's urgent mission and bad news ” It's was Kakashi Hokage speak to him.

“ What kind of mission do I have? ” Akashi asked and feeling patience need rescue his Kuroko right away

“ Go rescue Kuroko from Otsutsuki, never let Kuroko fall onto their hands. They're a bad news. ” Hokage Kakashi

“ Huh? Aren't they basically similar to Kaguya? ” Akashi asked back

“ Yes most of it but this time, an enemy is different. To think there was a survivor of Otsutsuki Clan. ” - Hokage Kakashi

“ I accept this mission, Hokage-sama. ” - Akashi

“ You can now go with Shikamaru, Sasuke, go rescued Kuroko! ” Hokage Kakashi give a mission to three of them


Three of konoha shinobi already outside from enemy's hideout. There's only a few bodyguard at the gate.

Three looked each other as if having a secret conversation and nodding then separate to go rescue their Kuroko.

Two shinobi hit a bodyguard and letting Akashi in first

“ Go Akashi! We delay them so go rescue Kuroko for us! ”

Akashi hesitant but it's was two's request so he didn't have any choice “ Thank you! I own both you! ”

Akashi left rescue looking for Kuroko but didn't find till he found the last door. He exhale and let go of his breathing as he opened the door, eyes widen to see that enemy trying lay a finger on Kuroko, a jealous boil inside Akashi's body

“ Get that shitting off your from him, peasant! ” Finally Akashi snapping!

Back to reality,

“ Oh? You're here? ” Toneri pretending didn't know about Akashi's arriving. You should know that Toneri has a byakugan eyes.

“ I said get your hands off from him! ”
Akashi grow impatient and had a dark aura

“ Oh my, my, impatience aren't you? ” - Toneri who smile

“ If you didn't wanna die earlier, let go of him! ” Akashi launch forward Toneri

Kuroko still dumbfounded speechless feeling like he finally had hope especially when the person he love come to rescue him

Back to Hokage's side

“ Are you guys ready? ” Hokage Kakashi look behind him, they're all in a position for shooting the enemy's Earth.

“ Yes sir! ” All in unison

“ Get ready,  set, marks. Shoot! ” - Kakashi

A shoot can be hear, went flying to the enemy earth

Kakashi called Akashi saying he should quickly get out from there now

Akashi finally finish their battle and take Kuroko in a bride style and get out from that hell place leaving Toneri behind who were defeated.

“ I'm apologize for making you wait, Kuroko. ” Akashi said and smile at Kuroko who are finally in arms while both of them are flying.

“ It's okay, Akashi-kun. Thank you for rescue me. ” it's was Kuroko spoke, his arms already wraps around Akashi's neck and smile.

When both of them are finally at the moon, Akashi confess his feelings to Kuroko “ I love you with all my sincere heart, Kuroko. ”

Kuroko was surprised at the first then smile “ I love you too so much, Akashi. ”

That's it both of them are kissing each other under the moon light. It's was bless, both of soon had a wedding then live together forever and had a kids till their generation will alive.

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