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MAY 1415

Since the day I had chained my heart and built a tomb around myself, Jasmine had stopped haunting my dreams. After a few nights, I risked visiting the chapel to find out if she was still there.

All I could see was the hideous beast staring back at me.

I wondered where she went. Was there another world behind that mirror, or was it showing something from the past? It was the same chapel, but the pews were missing. The walls looked colourless.

Was it so barren in earlier times? Jasmine lived in this castle eight generations ago. That was more than two hundred years.

Was it her ghost, or was she truly immortal since she lived under Satan's reign?

Was she enjoying watching all of us living in the darkness and misery?

Did the looking glass act as a window for her?

Was she still watching me?

I never had the courage to ask King Stefan if he ever felt the same. If he ever wondered about her watching him, her gaze following him everywhere. I had seen him ruthless since my childhood. Nothing seeped through his tomb. He had been a stone like this for years. Nothing affected him; nothing was powerful enough to make him laugh or at least bring a smile to his face. A natural smile—not the smile he displayed when something satanic came into his mind. I had never seen him happy or content. He was proud that I seemed to be turning out exactly like him.

After our meeting last week in his chamber and the secrets he revealed to me, I started visiting the chapel daily. Attending morning mass, I noticed how people despised the Hue family. I was sure they would celebrate forever if our reign ended. They had hoped I would change things, but that hope burned down and was buried with Veronica's departure.

The priest continued his services every morning—reminding us of our sins. He would tell us how to please the Lord every day, and if we sinned, how happy and proud Satan would be. I wager the Hue family was more committed to making Satan proud.

People attended mass every day in order to keep King Stefan happy. They would only see hideous beasts in the mirror. This was a reminder to the people that no matter how good they were—they were still Satan in disguise. King Stefan made them feel guilty each morning. But no one in his council would dare to raise his voice.

After mass, I walked out of the chapel, heading towards the dining hall for breakfast. It had been a while since I had seen Haakon—not since Veronica's death. I wondered what he was up to.

On my way, I met him in the corridor. His face showed mild surprise, and I felt he had been avoiding me.

"Haakon," I greeted him. "Where have you been?"

"Just busy doing chores, Your Highness." Your Highness? He had never called me that. I was always Edward to him.

I ignored his salutations. "Are you doing well?"

He nodded, still avoiding my gaze.

"We have not spoken in a long time...let us go for a walk," I ordered. He looked around the corridor to see if anyone was watching us. If they were, he was just making us more suspicious. "What are you looking for?" I asked him out of curiosity.

"Nothing, Your Highness. Let's go." He walked to a door leading out to the barren courtyard.

"How have you been doing, Your Highness?" He began.

I halted, surprised by his formal pleasantries. "Why are you talking to me like that?"

Smiling, he answered, "You've always been our future king."

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