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August 2093

"Do you want cupcakes or cake? I could also get ice cream too. And is pepperoni pizza good? Or cheese?" grandma asked.

Mom, dad and my grandma were throwing a party. Our neighbors and my friends were coming. Everyone was so proud of me. I was proud of myself too.

"Whatever is easiest. You don't have to make this a big deal" I said.

"Oh Erica. Start giving yourself credit. This didn't happen by chance. And now the whole country knows who you are!" she said.

It's been a few days since I found out I won state, and NASA has posted the winners on their website. I didn't read through all of them and I'm guessing most people didn't either, so I'm really not a celebrity.

"Okay I guess your right." I said with a sigh.

"I am always right. Now maybe you should get some rest before the party and prepare for all your guests" she told me.

"I will" I said with a smile as I headed upstairs.

My mom decorated the house earlier with gold ribbons and stars that said "congrats". I am pretty sure they were meant for a graduation party, but whatever. My dad worked on cleaning the house and the front yard so our house looked 'presentable'. And I... did nothing. I was just taking in that our whole state might know who I am. That's crazy.

Usually I would spend my free time studying, but now I don't have to anymore. It felt so good to just lay in bed and do nothing.


After a while everyone showed up, and surprisingly some of them even gave me gifts. Most of the party guests were adults, and younger kids so when Zoey and Natalie arrived, I was relived.

"Hey guys!" I said. Zoey gave me a hug but both of them had concerned faces.

"We need to go to your room and talk now" Natalie said quietly.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"I'll tell you when we get to your room" she said.

"Natalie calm down. We can't just take the bell of the ball away from the ball" Zoey said.

"What?" said Natalie confused.

"How about we just step outside? No one is out there" I said.

"Ok let's go" Natalie said.

When we got outside, Natalie whipped out her phone.

"Read this list" she handed her phone to me. Zoey had a worried look on her face.

When I saw Natalie's phone I recognized the list. It was a list of all the chosen kids for the space selection.

"What about it?" I asked.

"Read it" she said again.

I started reading it.

Alabama: Dylan Quinn

Alaska: Rebecca Stevens

Arizona: Bryson Reeds

Arkansas: Sydney Jones

California: Evelyn Markleson

Colorado: Justin Timber

Connecticut: Amy Newman

Delaware: Skylar Champion

Florida: Cassie Mason


"Shut up. No fucking way." I said.

"I told you she didn't know" Natalie said to Zoey.

"How did she-" I stopped myself. Cassie? Like the one who made my cousin commit suicide Cassie?

"I'm sorry Erica. I don't know how she even got chosen." Zoey said softly.

"She's not even that smart!" Said Natalie.

I wanted to jump off a cliff. How did Cassie get chosen? I didn't want to believe it. I couldn't believe it.

Just then the front door opened. It was my mom.

"Girls? What are you doing out here?" she asked.

"We... were... trying to get good wifi" I said.

Natalie quickly shot her hand in the air and tapped on her phone.

"Oh look! It's working! All good! Lets go inside shall we?" Then she started pushing me and Zoey inside.


We were all sitting on the back porch and had just finished dinner. We were just talking and laughing and I was having a really great time. It felt nice to be center of attention. (Not to sound bitchy or anything) Everyone was telling me how smart I was, and how they were so proud of me. They also said they would miss me when I'm gone. I hadn't really thought about how I was leaving everything I knew and loved, and going to a whole new planet. It made me sad thinking I would have to leave my mom, dad and grandma.

I decided to stop thinking about it and started to clear off the table. Natalie and Zoey helped me. We headed inside and put the dishes in the sink.

"We have something for you" Zoey said. She and Natalie led me to the front door by Zoey's bag. Zoey reached in.

"Close your eyes!" said Natalie excitedly.

I did as she said, and felt a small box in my hands. I opened my eyes and saw a painted box. It was a galaxy with stars.

"Oh this is precious. Who painted it?" I asked.

"Me" said Natalie. "Now open it!"

I carefully lifted the lid and inside I saw 3 bracelets.

The design was like pura vida, but they weren't from that brand. They each had a black string and one planet charm. Each planet was a different color.

There was also a little note inside that read:

Good friends are like the stars;

You don't always see them, but you know they are there.

"Guys..." I picked up the bracelets and handed one to each of them.

"I don't know what to say." The gift was small and you could probably find those bracelets in a thrift store, but the situation we were in made them a million times more special.

"Don't forget us when you're in space" Natalie said.

"How could I? I will wear this bracelet everyday. I swear" I said.

I gave them a hug then we headed back outside.






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