The Confess

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For Free's scenarios you will look like Anna from K project exepct you where the girl version of Shu's outfit so with a black skirt instead of pants with shin length black boots. For Kens scenario you will look like the female version Daigo and Shu scenario you will look like Valts female version because you will be their twin sister.
Most of the scenarios in this chapter will be the boys POV

Valt Aoi

[Valt POV]
Today was going to be the day I confess to Y/N. She is so pretty and doesn't get bothered when I want to battle her all the time. I invited her to the park and tell her how I feel.
Time Skip still Valts pov
I see Y/N walking this way, I feel nervous all of a sudden. Y/N came over to me and said "You said you wanted to tell me something Valt." All of a sudden I got my confidence back and said "Y/N ever sense I ran into you I have felt really happy and sometimes confused about how feel but now I know how I feel. I love you Y/N L/N and will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend." After I asked that Y/N looked so happy and then said probaly one of the best things in the world and said yes.

Shu Kurenia

[Shu POV]
Today while me and Y/N were training we got onto the topic of who we liked and I had tried to avoid the conversation but failed. I said she was really pretty and liked beyblading alot. I also said she had a sometimes annoying twin brother. She put 2 and 2 together and pointed at herself and said "Me?" I said "Yes you idiot." She said I like you to and then I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes.

Red Eye

[Red Eye POV]
The girl that visted here with those weaklings for the past couple of weeks keeps on finding the temple some how just to train. Her name is Y/N if I remeber right, for some reason the name sounds very familiar but still she is a strong blader. Over the past coule of weeks of her visiting she keeps making me feel the emotions I never really express like they are familiar to her. Today I am going to tell her I love her becuase she is a person I trust and love.
Time Skip
I just met her where we have been training and said "Can you please close your eyes until I say so." She nodded after I said that. I took off my mask and held her soft face and kissed. She kissed back and she started to wrap her arms around me. She felt so warm and soft, I then pulled away and put my mask back on and said "You can open your eyes now." She slowly opened her eyes and she asked why I kissed her. I said "I love you Y/N and will you please be my girlfriend?" She nodded yes and tackled me with a hug.

If you read my first scenario then basically it is before Shu left the Raging Bulls you were dating so Shu and Red Eyes scenarios are combined.

Rantaro Kiyama

[Rantaro Kiyama POV]
Ever sense Y/N has joined the beyblade club I keep feeling these weird emotions so today I am going to confess to her. She is really pretty and so nice. I invited her to come meet me at a candy shop to tell her my feelings.
Time Skip
She just got here so here goes nothing. "Hey Y/N can I ask you something?" "Yeah" "I really like you and will you be my girlfriend?" She said "Yes" and I hugged her really tight.

Daigo Kurogami

Daigo invited Y/N to a cafe and asked her out and to be his girlfriend.

Wakiya Murasaki

Wakiya to her out on a expensive date and asked her.

Ken Midori

He did a puppet show to ask Y/N out with Ryotas help.

Lui Shirosagi

One day during when Y/N and Lui and the rest of Rideout were training he went up from behind and dragged her away from the team and said your mine.

Free De La Hoya

One day while you were training trying to distract yourself from the fact that your brother Shu left Free came up to comfort and said I love you while comforting you.

Sorry that some of the characters scenarios were cut short. I suck at POV sometimes also sorry if some of the characters were ooc.

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