You fall asleep on them

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Sorry I haven't updated for awhile. I cant believe I got over 1.5k reads on the story. Thank You so much guys. I also was reading over some of my older chapter that were published in May and I will try to make them longer.
Edited: added Fubuki

Valt Aoi
Valt and you were watching a battle going on for the club. Valt had finally tired himself out and was next to you on the ground. When Valt felt a persons weight on his shoulder you were sound asleep on his shoulder. Valt just blinked for a second before he started to turn redder than Shu's eyes. He was flustred but also was blushing due to how cute and peacefu you look. [Dont ever let anyone bring you down ever got it you are a wonderful person no matter what you are, alright back to the story] He then decided to let you sleep and soon fell asleep himself.

Shu Kurenai
Shu was riding his bike with you on the back. Shu and you had just got done with club practice for beyblade and were heading to his apartment. When Shu felt weight starting to lean one him he looked back and saw you had fallen asleep on his back. You had been tired after you worked your ass off at practice due to there being barely any girl bladers. Shu then let you sleep and looked foward and smirked to himself thinking you looked cute when you sleep.

Rantaro Kiyama
Rantaro and the rest of the crew were training. Rantaro was sitting out due to him having to take care of his brother. You were sitting next to him due to you spraining your wrist. PS that hurts I've done it before it sucks. While Rantaro was cheering on and coaching Valt you started to feel tired. After awhile he felt a weight on his lap and looked down and saw you laying your head on his lap. He then was about to yell but then he knew how pissed you are if your woken up. He let you sleep and messed with your hair.

Daigo Kurogami
Daigo and you were with Ryota at the hostpital. After you started dating him you grew close with Daigo brother. After Daigo and you tired out Ryota you were sitting next to each other and you both fell asleep on each other.

Wakiya Murasaki
You and him were watching a movie and you had fell asleep on him due to traing with him. Sorry I coudn't write alot for him. I struggle with writing for Goldielocks.

Ken Midori
You and Ken had just finished a puppet show and were now sitting on his bed. And no do not think pervy things you pervs out there. Both of you soon fell asleep on each other and were snoring lightly.

Lui Shirosagi Mini Shark
Lui will rarely snuggle but when he does his tsundere side comes out and blushes while he gets hugged by you in bed. Although you have to hold him down sometimes to get him to stay.

Free De La Hoya
After you started dating him sleeping on each other became a regural thing. He is a human heater and is a soft pillow to use.

Ben Azuki
You and Ben have been sleeping on each other sense before you started dating. The first time you fell asleep on him you were tired from helping out the club. He looked looked like a tomato at first but then growled and smiled to himself.

Silas Karlisle
Celery boy and you were training when you said you were done for the day amd went onside. After awhile Silas came inside and sat beside you to eat dinner. He then felt weight on his shoulder and looked to the side and saw you had fallen asleep. He then smirked but slightly blushed then looked away just waiting for you to wake up and tease you.

Fubuki Fumiye
Both you and him were watching the beyblade Club train while you to sat out. Fubuki and you were tired due to you two going on a date. After awhile your head plopped down onto his lap due to tiredness. Fubuki smirked to himself and picked you bridal, told the team goodnight and took you to his dorm room. He layed you down in his bed and layed down next to you. He turned off the light and pulled the covers up and fell asleep.

Hey guys sorry it has been months sense I last updated. The past few weeks have been hard and today I finally came out to my Dad and he was so supportive and I was a mess. I cant thank my family enough for being so supportive of my choice. If any of you ever feel any depression or feeling like you dont belong dont give into your demons. You are all special induvials that deserve a spot in the universe. I hope any of you that decide to be proud of who you are then I wish you respect from people. Sorry if I sound weird I am loopy tired from my practice. See you guys peace out.

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