Meeting your past selfs

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For this one I will only be doing Shu, Valt, Lui, anf Free. Sorry about that. Also I will also be doing Red Eyes but it will be combined into Shu's.
Back Info: Takes place in turbo when you into the past.
Some how you guys end up in the past and you end up running into your past self.
This chapter will be long.

Valt Aoi
Your [POV]
Somehow me and Valt ended up in the past so now we don't really know what to do. "So what should we do now that were here for now." Valt said next to me. "I really have no idea." Then a person ran into us from behind so now I am on top of Valt with someone on my back. Once I felt the weight off my back I got up and helped up Valt. When we turend around to see who you rammned into us I see the younder version of Valt apoligzing to us. Then Valt from my time spoke "Wait your me from when I was younger." Then the rest of the club came and saw us with YValt. Rantaro yelled why there was two of Valt and the I smacked him in the head and explained were from the future. The club then started to ask alot of questions to us.

Valt [POV]
When we got to the past I got excited becuase I had forgotten what it was like when we were younger. After we had the mishap with My younger self running into us. The reast of the old club came running to us. Rantaro had yelled why there were to of me and Y/N smacked him in the head. The club then asked us alot of questions then Lui came along from the past asking what was with racket. Lui looked surprised to see us. He then asked why there were two anoyying nuisence then Y/N ooked like she was about to pumch someone. It looks like we should not go to the past with Lui around at all.

 It looks like we should not go to the past with Lui around at all

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Shu Kurenai

Shu [POV]
Some how we ended up in the past and met the rest of our friend except they were our younger friends. It was at the tournement so we would meet Red Eye. Y/N was actually happy becuase also she was said she going to talk to Red Eye which I was nervous by. After we had met the others we ran into Red Eye not surprisingly. He was surprised and asked why I look like him but when I was going to reply Y/N butted in and said you need to be quiet and mind you own buisness. So it seems that even Y/N can square my past self.

 So it seems that even Y/N can square my past self

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Lui Shirosagi

Somehow you guys ended up in the past and pretty much the whole time you annoyed you past selfs ans also annoyed the past and present Lui.

Somehow you guys ended up in the past and pretty much the whole time you annoyed you past selfs ans also annoyed the past and present Lui

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Free De La Hoya

Pretty much the whole time you guys slept until you guys somehow ended up in the present.

Pretty much the whole time you guys slept until you guys somehow ended up in the present

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Sorry that the last two chapters got cut short but I was running out of ideas. Hope you enjoyed.

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