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I looked at myself in the mirror. My hero outfit was kind of whore like, skin tight around my chest, stomach and thighs. I didn't ask for t to come like this. I should've been more specific when enlisting the details of my costume but over time I got used to it and now I like the look, but would Katsuki like it? Maybe, just once, I can steal a few moments of his time. Maybe I could even talk to him! I don't want to get my hopes up though.

I exhaled as I walked out of the dressing room. My eyes almost immediately latched onto a certain ash blonde. His hero costume was... hot, to say the least. I took in every intricate detail of it, even the two dots that were barely noticeable. They were on the top right of his shirt, that's the reason I got two dots on my hero costume when they asked for last minute request on the first day! My rosy cheeks reddening more when he looked over. What if it was possible he liked me back?

I walked over to him and smiled. To my surprise, he flushed a little causing me to go tomato red. I tried to start up a conversation. "H-Hi Bakugo! Do you like my hero outfit?" I asked. He stood up stomping towards me. Only then did I realize.. he wasn't looking at me, instead at the door of the boys locker room where Kirishima stood.

"Get out of my way you extra!" he yelled at me. I moved away and was wondering how I could even think I had a chance with him. I felt tears form in my eyes. "Hey Bakugo! Do you think my hero outfit is a little to revealing?," I heard Kirishima say, I also heard Bakugo mumble something but blocked it out. I didn't want to get hurt anymore.

I don't know why I came to this school. It's a living hell. "Once your all done changing, go to the battle grounds, we'll be fighting today, or rather, you'll be fighting today." Aizawa said walking outside to our designated location. I didn't let my tears fall, knowing I could possibly get Bakugo to fight with. I could maybe even touch his arm. I smiled to myself. How delightful. While walking with the class someone else caught my eye.

"Ah, t-thanks Todoroki!.. I think.. uh- I think your hero outfit it n-nice too." He stumbled over his words. My eyes lit up. He seems nice. He has cute freckles, big green eyes, only a bit taller than me and green hair. I didn't realize I was staring until something blocked my vision of the boy.

"Stop staring at him, you're distracting." It spoke in an ice cold tone. I got chills. This ones costume is half frozen, and the other half plain white. He looked plain until I looked at his face and found he was... hotter than Bakugo. Wow! Of course, no one can replace the explosive boy though. What's wrong with having more than one crush though? "Ah, my bad. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to stare and I didn't realize I was staring until you're hot- I mean you got in front of me-" "Yeah, yeah okay. I don't care. Just stop staring at Midoriya." "So Midoriya is his name. Got it!"

"Yes, of course. Sorry again." I said rubbing the back of my neck and facing forward again. I looked down at the floor in embarrassment at my slip of words. 'Idiot Ochaco, Idiot!' I said to myself. I wasn't paying attention and crashed into Bakugo not realizing we stopped walking. "Wah! I'm sor- B-Bakugo?" I blushed furthermore when realizing I had come in contact with him. "Watch it pink cheeks." He said with venom lacing his every word. It made me shudder. "I'm sorry." Is all I could say. Before I could get up myself Midoriya ran in front of me and helped me up. "Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" He asked with a sweet smile. 'How cute.' "No, I'm okay. Thank you." I said smiling. Maybe hes my first shot at a friend!

"Don't mind Kacchan. He can be... hm. Oh! He can be explosive. Aha! Anyways I'm Midoriya Izuku. Nice to meet you!" "I'm Uraraka Ochaco. Who's Kacchan?" I asked. "Oh, him. Midoriya said leaning his back on Bakugo's. "Get off of me Deku." He said, but didn't attempt to take him off himself, so Midoriya didn't move. "Why do you call him Kacchan?" I asked, confused. "Oh because he's my very best friend!" He replied hugging Bakugo to which Bakugo did attempt to pry him off. "Not even close! Back off me Deku!" I was confused. So confused. My first thought..

'Does Midoriya call Bakugo Kacchan because he has a crush on him?!' I felt myself fill with anger "Hey, why does he call you Deku, Midoriya?" I asked trying to ease the anger through words. "Because he's a big meanie baby time bomb. Why else?" "No, idio- I mean, what's it mean?" "Ah, it means useless... but it's more of just a nickname now, no real meaning behind it-" "Deku then." "Huh?" "I will call you Deku." "O-oh..okay..?" I walked away, unaware of Bakugo staring daggers into my back for using his nickname for Deku, and Todoroki glared at me for insulting Deku.

No one will take away my source of happiness.
Bakugo will get used to me eventually.
We will get closer eventually. Eveything comes with due time.


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