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"Where are you going?"

Felix looked at Jisung who was sitting on his bed, eyes glued to his laptop screen.

"I am going on a date." Felix smiled as he looked at himself in the mirror. "Do I look good?"

"A date?" Jisung looked up from his laptop in shock. "Look at you out here going out on dates~" He said with a smirk.

"You look good." Jisung finally said.

"Thanks." Felix said. He wasn't wearing much. Just jeans paired with a white shirt and a light blue short sleeve button up over it which remained open.

Felix grabbed his phone and wallet, said bye to Jisung and made his way over to Chan.

Their dorms weren't that far apart from each other. Felix only walked for a bit.

Felix went in and started looking for Chan's room. He found it just down the hall. He was happy it was on the first floor. Very convenient.

He knocked twice, and in less than a minute, Chan answered the door.

"Hi Felix." Chan smiled. "Ready to go?"

Felix nodded and followed him outside.

Chan brought them to a Japanese restaurant that was walking distance from school.

"I love Japanese food." Felix smiled at Chan as they were waiting for their order to arrive.

"I picked a great spot then." Chan replied.

The two of them began to talk about school and their lives. Felix started to know Chan even more.

"—yeah I actually play the piano." Chan said.

"Really?!" Felix responded as if he didn't already know that. He saw on Facebook his mother posted a picture of him years ago at a piano recital.

"I'll play a song for you. One day." He said.

"Oh," Felix blushed. "I'll look forward to it."

The two of them sat there, blushing avoiding eye contact.

"I need to use the washroom. I'll be right back." Chan said and cleared his throat.

"Alright." The younger replied and watched him walk away.

Felix looked in front of him and noticed Chan's phone was left on the table.

He looked one more time to see if Chan was coming, but he wasn't so he grabbed the phone.

He got into it easily. "Wow no password? It's like you wanted me to go on it Channie." Felix smiled to himself.

The first thing he opened was messages. He was receiving messages from a group chat that was put on do not disturb.

group (3 people)

today, 18:34

> channie come over now ~~
> you said you'd help me with me with my chem
> i need youuuu

> bruh
> chan's on a date right now

> a date?
> really?
> he never told me he has a date

> sucks to be you

"Here's your food."

Felix looks up and sees the waiter place their plates in front of him.

He puts Chan's phone back, just in time for the older to return.

"Oh good our food is here." Chan said and sat down.

"Hmm." Felix smiled. "Let's eat."

After dinner, Chan walked Felix back to his dorm.

"Dinner was great. Thank you. I'll treat you next time." Felix said to him.

"No need." Chan replied while blushing.

Just then Chan's phone began to ring. He pulled it out and read the contact then looked at Felix.

"I will text you later. Have a good night Felix." Chan said. "Bye."

"Bye. Have a good night." Felix responded.

Chan nodded and answered the call as he walked away.

"Yes Minho, I'm coming now."

Felix clenched his jaw at the mention of Minho's name.

He went into his dorm, closed his door, pulled out his phone and opened Instagram.

Minho sighed as he unlocked studio A for morning practice.

As much as he loves dance and being the captain, morning practices is a bit too much.

He puts his bag on the floor and starts searching for his portable charger since he forgot to charge his phone overnight.

"I could've sworn it was in here." He mumbled.

He then hears footsteps approaching from behind him.

"Well you're early. I just got here." Minho said still searching though his bag.

After hearing no response he stands up and turns around to see who it was.

"Oh how may I help you?" Minho said when he saw the male standing there.

"I want to join the dance club." The male said.

"Oh— okay well we're kinda far into the semester and it might be a bit hard to catch up with what we're doing."

"Its fine." He smiled.

"Alright then." Minho shrugged. "What's your name?"

"Lee Felix."


this is kinda longer than i wanted it to be oops

didn't really proofread

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