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hwang hyunjin

today 19:04

> hey lix!

hey hyunjin <

> wyd friday night?

nothing <
probably studying <
why <

> awe :(
> i was gonna ask if you wanted to go the club

oh <

> i'm going with my boyfriend
> minho
> and chan ;)

Felix thought for a bit. "If Minho's going I should bring Jisung. It seemed like Jisung liked Minho the first time they met. Then maybe I can finally get rid of Minho for good."

i'll go cuz chan is going <
can i bring my roommate? <

> sure! the more the merrier

:) <

"Jisung we're going clubbing on Friday night." Felix said to the other who was sitting on his bed across from his.

"C-clubbing?!" Jisung repeated and Felix nodded.

"I've never been!" Jisung said.

"I've never been either." Felix said. "It will be fun." He smiled.

Felix and Jisung arrived at the club a little later than everyone else.

"There you guys are!" Hyunjin smiled as he saw the two.

"Hey guys!" Felix said and sat down with everyone at the booth they were in.

"Hi." Jisung shyly greeted and sat down as well.

"Oh, I've seen you before, we met on Felix's first day of dance." Minho half yelled because the music was pretty loud.

"Y-yeah we did." Jisung blushed.

Felix smiled. This was good.

"It's good to see you Felix." Chan said to him.

"You too." Felix smiled.

Hyunjin introduced Felix to Changbin, and Felix introduced Jisung to everyone else.

The group basically hit it off. They were all talking and drinking, having a good time.

It was no doubt that they were all intoxicated except for Felix, and Chan, they were only a little.

Today Felix learned that he can hold his liquor pretty well.

Hyunjin and Changbin went out to the dance floor a while ago.

"I wanna go dance~!" Minho said. "Channie lets go." He said and grabbed his arm.

"Nah I think I'll say here a bit longer." Chan said and shook off Minho's grip from his arm.

"I- I'll go with you!" Jisung said and stood up.

Felix looked up at him in amusement. Drunk Jisung was pretty straightforward.

"Okay pretty boy lets go!" Minho's said. They both joined arms and disappeared into the crowd.

Chan switched seats and went to the other side of the booth so he could sit right beside Felix.

"It's better if I sit closer. We don't have to yell across the table." Chan said.

"Alright." Felix blushed. Chan was so close to him.

"You're pretty good at drinking for someone's first time out." The older said.


"Yeah. Almost as good as me." Chan smirked then brought the cup to his lips.

"You must be veryyy good then." Felix said and gazed at Chan.

Chan turned and looked at Felix directly in the eyes. Felix's gaze was so sensual, Chan mentally cursed at how much he enjoyed this image of the younger.

"Yes I am." Chan said and moved slightly closer. "I am veryyy good."

They were so close Felix could feel Chan's heavy breathing against his skin.

"Can you show me how good you are~?" Felix asked and bit his lip ever so slightly.

Felix is sure they're not talking about Chan's drinking skills anymore. He doesn't even know where this came from. The alcohol sure is hitting harder now.

"Fuck." Chan mumbled under us breath and brought their bodies closer to each other.

There was so much sexual tension between the two of them, Felix was practically begging with his eyes for Chan to do something.

Chan placed his hand on the back of Felix's head and roughly brought their lips together.

Chan was so agressive and dominant when kissing him, he bit Felix's lip and slipped his tongue inside with ease.

Felix whimpered at how good Chan's tongue felt against his. If it wasn't for the older's strong grip he had on his body, Felix would've melted to the floor by now.

Felix placed his hand on Chan's chest and gripped his t-shirt.

Chan moved back and looked at Felix who was panting.

"Was I too rough? I'm sorry." Chan said then peppered kisses on Felix's face, then moved down to lightly kissing his neck.

"No you're fine— ahh!" Felix couldn't even speak properly as he felt Chan sucking his sensitive skin.

Chan then moved away from his neck, looked at him in the eyes and held his hand.

"Let's get out of here."

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