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The rest of the day, Felix spent mostly in his room, studying.

He took an hour break to eat lunch with Chan, then went back to studying again.

Ever since he met Chan, Felix has not been studying like crazy like how he used to, so now he has to catch up a bit, but it's fine.

By the time the evening just turned into night, Felix decided it was time to go visit Minho.

He already knows he is going to be at the dance studio but he texts him anyways.

lee minho

today 20:05

hey hyung <
are you in the dance studio right now? <

> hey felix
> yeah i am

are you alone? <

> yeah just about to close up
> why

oh no reason <
it's just that im looking for something and i think it's there <

> oh well if you're close by you can come now

thanks hyung! <
i'll be there soon! <

Felix smirked to himself and put his phone in his pocket.

He grabbed his backpack, filled with what he needs then headed out to the dance studio.

When Felix got to the dance studio he could see Minho through the window.

He walked in and discreetly locked the door behind him.

"Hey Felix what are you—"

Before Minho could finish his sentence, Felix grabbed him by the back of his head and slammed it into the wall, knocking him out.

It happened so fast, Minho didn't have any time to react.

Felix let him drop the the floor as he was knocked out cold.

He then goes into his bag and pulls out a rope and duct tape.

He drags Minho across the floor to the bench by the walls and ties his arms behind his back to one of the leg of the benches.

He then ties his feet together and duct taped his mouth so he wouldn't scream when he woke up.

Then he proceeded to close the blinds on the window just in case anyone walked by.

Once he was done everything, he sat down on the floor beside him and scrolled on his phone, waiting for Minho to wake up again.

Honestly this was the best place in to be in. There's no cameras in the dance studio.

Twenty minutes later, Minho begins to regain consciousness.

Once he fully wakes up and sees Felix is the one sitting on the ground in front of him, he struggles for release.

"Oh you're finally awake." Felix said and put his phone down. "If you didn't wake up anytime sooner I was gonna slap you awake."

Minho continued to struggle but it was no use.

"You're probably wondering why you're in this situation." Felix started. "Even though it's obvious."

The younger then ripped the duct tape off of his lips.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!!" Minho said as soon as the tape was off his mouth.

Felix laughed. "What's wrong with me? Whats wrong with you!"

"I didn't do anything to you!!" Minho said.

Felix slapped him across the face. "Yes you fucking did!"

"You're still in love with Channie." Felix said and moved closer to him.

"You couldn't have just talked to me about this?" Minho started. "You had to knock me out and hold me as hostage? And how do you even know that?!"

Felix slapped him again. "Leave Channie alone. He's mine. He'll only be happy with me so stay the fuck out of it." He said. "You wouldn't listen to me if we just talked."

"You fucking psychotic bitch!" Minho swore at him. "Chan will never love you if this who you are."

"He's he will!!" Felix screamed. "He already loves me!!" He slapped him a third time.

"Fuck! Would you stop slapping me?!" Minho said with his left cheek bright red.

"I have a taser in my bag would you rather have that?" Felix said.

"Fucking psychopath." Minho said under his breath.

Felix heard what he said but let it slide.

"We need to come to an agreement." Felix said. "Then I'll let you go and it'll be like none of this ever happened."

"And what if I don't?" Minho said.

"Then I will kill you." Felix replied, dead serious.

Minho kind of got scared, but brushed it off with a chuckle. "Unbelievable."

"So here's the agreement." Felix said. "You will stay away from Channie and stop getting in between us. If you do that, I will never bother you again. Simple."

"Do you understand?" Felix asked once he heard no reply.

"Do I need to get the taser or?" Felix said reaching for his backpack.

"Fine!" Minho stopped him. "I'll follow your fucking agreement now let me go!"

Felix smiled. Honestly there's no telling if Minho was going to follow the agreement. He really has to trust him.

Felix then went and untied the ropes around his ankles and wrists.

Minho got up and began walking to the door.

"If you tell Chan this happened, even worse things with happen to you." Felix said to him before he open the door.

Minho didn't reply and just left.

chan hyung

today 21:22

outgoing call
call missed

bro call me when you can <
felix is a fucking psycho <
you need to stay away form him <


not proofread at alllll

it's literally 4am I'm so tired gn!!!!

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