The Underworld and A Trip to Earth

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It's cold down in the Underworld.  That isn't something new, at least to Minho as he looks over his kingdom on the balcony.  Where he is at right now in his obsidian palace it's cold and dark.  The only place in the Underworld that isn't cold is Tartarus.  Obviously, because how better can you punish the evil souls that end up there?  Just put them in a place that is hotter than boiling lava and add punishments so that they really suffer.  Other than that the rest of the Underworld is cold, dry, and dark.  Here in the kingdom of Hades, Minho rules everything.  Whether it'd be reading the documents and making sure every soul is accounted for, going over the system to see if any mistakes come up before fixing it, having his guards check every section of the Underworld or approving for punishments in Tartarus.  Minho did his job as king without any complaint whatsoever.

Although if there was one complaint it was how lonely it was ruling down here.  He had his friend that also happened to be the captain of the Underworld's guard but it wasn't the same.  Just like when he visits his brothers, Zeus and Poseidon or his sister, Hestia on Olympus.  He was glad to be allowed to see them and hangout with them but that's just because they were family.  What Minho wanted was true companionship.  Ruling this vast place alone can get to you, and it had.  His barely beating heart was just as cold as his kingdom and he never even felt any emotion beyond boredom and longing.  Plus he barely had time to find someone that might want to actually be with him, so he has almost given up on the idea of love.

'Gia above, I have to get out of here.' Minho thought to himself as he walked away from the balcony.  When he arrived back in his office he saw that on his desk were zero papers to look over which was rare.  He then checked the device that showed the time, day, month, and year it was on the wall and saw that it was about time that he left his home to visit the earth.  He decided to do this tradition because he didn't want to lose his mind like some of his servants and soldiers tend to do around here.  Plus taking a break once in a while put his overloaded mind at ease before heading back to do business.  So he made sure things were taken care of before leaving his office.  Before going out though he bumped into his friend, Jinki.

Jinki was the half breed child of a Lamia and Ceuthonymus, so as soon as he was born it was obvious that he belonged in the Underworld.  When Jinki was old enough Minho appointed him to be the captain of the guard.  To lead his soldiers into guarding the Underworld and fight when necessary.  It was also Jinki's duty to run the kingdom while he was out.  So Minho told the boy, "I'll be going on one of my trips Jinki, be sure to take care of the Underworld while I'm gone." Jinki replied, "I will make sure everything continues running in your absence." Minho nodded as he added, "Also, notify me when I get back if anything of importance comes up, understood?" Jinki nodded and saluted in understanding.  With that Minho started walking down the halls of his palace to leave for the surface.

By the time he arrived at the boat Charon is in charge of the black, formitible armor and robes he wore changed into simple black linens.  His long black hair shortened so it would be at the top of his nape instead of reaching to the end of his shoulder blades.  His ebony eyes remained the same, but his tanned skin lost the dark aura that constantly surrounded him.  He was in his human form and ready to go.  Climbing onto the boat Minho simply ordered, "Take me to the entrance so I can get to the surface." Charon lowered his paddle , "As you wish, your Highness." He then started rowing down the River Styx to the destination said.

After a while the boat arrives at the entrance.  When Minho gets off of the boat he is greeted by the giant three headed dog, Cerberus who got excited when getting a whiff of his master's scent so close.  Smiling at his pet's behavior Minho pulled out three slabs of meat he grabbed earlier and threw them at the giant beast.  Immediately all three heads snapped at the offerings thrown at him and went to town on the food.  Turning back to Charon, Minho stated, "I'll be back." "I know and I'll be here as always." The ferryman replied to the king.  With that Minho walked through the entrance to the other side and continued upwards until he could feel/see sunlight.

Now fully out of the darkness of the Underworld he saw the yellowing grass close to the entrance turn to green with life and looking up he could see a clear blue sky.  Breathing in the familiar scent of spring his body relaxed as his mind calmed.  This was what he enjoyed about the surface, anytime he came up from the dark, the gorgeous view of life was there to greet him.  Though he prefered living with the dead souls and creatures of the lower realm he would admit they don't hold a candle to his grandmother's creation called the earth.  Here it was peaceful and just bursting with new possibilities that happen every day.  Upon an exhale he started moving further to a grove of trees before disappearing in it.


Minho was out in the forest for over fifteen minutes, admiring some blooms that were on the trees, before he heard it.  A voice like sweet honey singing.  Wanting to know who that voice belonged to he followed it.  He was about at the edge of the treeline that bordered a field when he finally saw the owner of the enchanting voice.  There, kneeling in the middle of a patch of flowers was the most beautiful thing Minho had ever laid eyes on.  It was a boy with short blonde hair, dark brown eyes, and golden fair skin.  He was covered in green linens and even had a chain of flowers hanging from his neck.  What really caught the king of the dead's attention was the facial features this boy had.  His eyes were a narrow almond shape, Minho remembered Zeus described that kind of eye feature as being oriental, and the rest of the face features consisted of being androgynous as well as feline like.  To put it all together there was an ethereal glow to him.  Add the voice now humming and he was the very definition of art.

Just looking at this boy caused something to affect Minho's heart, for it was beating so fast the king thought it would just burst right out by itself.  He also felt himself flushing which never happened before.  What was going on with him?  Before Minho could answer that himself the boy stopped humming and paused his movements.  Noticing that he was about to turn his head to the spot he, Minho was at the king made himself quickly disappear into the shadows of the trees before the boy could see him.  Eventually the boy shrugged to himself before going back to what he was doing.  Deciding it was time to head back home Minho left the treeline, staying in the shadows until he was far enough away.

When arriving at the area close to the entrance Minho leaned against a tree as he tried to calm his still hammering heart down.  The emotions he was feeling right now were flooding his senses, he's never felt them before but he knows damn well what they are.  Excitement, fear, happiness, but the most prominent emotion was attraction.  However he had to calm down lest anyone saw him like this and ask questions.  So he took deep breaths as he willed his heart to stop throbbing like this.  It took a few minutes but soon his heart was back to it's normal unbeating self.


Arriving at Charon's boat he shifted back to his true form before they set off back to the palace.  When they arrived he stepped off of the boat.  He thanked the ferryman before walking to his home.  As soon as he stepped through those doors Jinki came up to him to ask how his trip went.  After thinking of what to say he shrugged before mustering in the most bored voice ever, "It was eventful as always, nothing new though." He didn't want to talk about the ethereal beauty that he witnessed to anyone now.  Minho then asked, "Did anything come up that was important?" Jinki quickly answered, "Yes, Iris called with a message from your brother, Zeus." Resisting to roll his eyes Minho asked in mock wonder, "Really?  What was it about this time?" "Well she said for me to tell you that Zeus requested your presence on Olympus tomorrow eve and that the business was urgent.  She also said he told her to say 'nectar' and that you would know what it meant." Sighing slowly through his nose Minho resisted the urge to throw something.  Of course his youngest brother wanted to have his attention, just great.  When the urge went away Minho replied, "I'll be there.  For now though I will be in my study doing work so go back to your position." "Yes, sir." Jinki replied as he slithered away to do just that.

At arriving at his study Minho sat down at his desk.  Even now he couldn't stop thinking of the boy from the surface.  It was like if he was a mortal man and had seen the great Aphrodite in all her glory before he took off in fear of not being worthy of her.  Though this boy was nothing compared to the goddess of love he was close to her in beauty, in Minho's opinion at least.  Damn it, he has to know who that boy is or it's going to drive him closer to insanity.  Okay, today he will do his work and tomorrow he'll deal with his idiot younger brother.  Then again, maybe Zeus knows who the boy is.

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