Parting is A Sweet and Painful Sorrow

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As Minho sat in his study working he heard the door open, meaning his wife had entered the room because of something.  Not looking up he asked, "What is it, Kibum?" Said god didn't say anything but simply lowered himself so he was sitting on Minho's lap.  Pausing for a bit the king quickly learned that Kibum was in one of his moods where he demanded attention.  It was a sweet quirk at times but on occasions such as now it was annoying.  So sighing Minho said to his beloved, "I need to work." In response Kibum let out a little whine, "You work too much, take a break for a while." He then lowered his head and started placing kisses along his husband's neck.  Minho let out a grunt at the action before saying with more force, "Kibum, I really need to finish this right now." Kibum retaliated by biting harshly on the spot where the neck and shoulder met, before laving his tongue over the abused flesh.

Knowing that he wasn't going to get anything done with his wife like this Minho decided to take the advice and have a break.  So he let the quill he was writing with go and used it wrap around Kibum's waist.  With the other hand, he slipped it on the back of his lover's head before grabbing the blonde hair and yanking back.  A moan of pained pleasure leaving Kibum's lips at the action.  Minho let out a huff of laughter, "You're insatiable at the worst times, you know that?" Giving his husband a lazy smile Kibum responded, "I'm a fertility god as well as a vegetation one, what did you expect?" "I expect you to behave and not interrupt me while I'm busy, you little vixen." He yanked on the other's hair again.  Kibum biting his bottom lip in pleasure at the rough treatment.  Growling Minho asked, "Do you know what's going to happen to you now that you've disturbed me like this?" Kibum shook he head a bit.  Grinning the king simply said, "Well then you're going to have to learn as we go along then." Before pushing his wife's head forward to slot their lips together.  The kiss quickly turning deep as Kibum started clutching onto his husband's front, while Minho lowered the hand in the other's hair to hold the back of his neck and clutched the arm on his waist tighter.

When Minho started moving lower to kiss at Kibum's neck a knock came from the door of the study.  Pausing they waited before a second knock came.  Sighing in irritation Minho asked loudly, "Who is it?" The answer came immediately, "It's me my lord, Jinki." Resisting the urge to scream in frustration Minho calmly asked the person on the other side, "What is it then, I'm a bit busy at the moment." Kibum chuckled softly at that.  Probably sensing the bad mood Jinki quickly said, "I'm sorry to interrupt you sir, but Hermes is in the throne room.  He said it's urgent that he has to meet with you." This caused Minho's frustration to drain.

Hermes never came directly to the throne room unless he was in the mood to irritate his uncle or it was something serious.  So hearing what Jinki had just explained concerned the king.  Clearing his throat a bit he replied, "Tell him I'll be there in a bit, you are dismissed." Jinki just said, "As you wish, my king." Before hearing the retreating sound of slithering going down the hall.  Looking at Kibum he saw that his wife looked just as concerned as he felt.  Tapping on the other's hip Minho told Kibum, "I have to take care of this." Kibum rose from his seat, a disappointed/embarrassed look crossing his face.  Seeing the look, Minho stood up from his seat and gave his wife a quick kiss before muttering, "I'll make it up to you, love." Bringing a smile to his face Kibum replied, "I'll be waiting in here so don't take too long." Minho laughed a bit, "Insatiable vixen." "Oh you love it." Another kiss came before Minho left the room to go to his meeting.


The only sound in the throne room was a furious shout of, "WHAT?!" Originating from the god of death after Hermes told him the purpose of his visit.  The messenger god winced at the now second outburst he had to witness today.  Calmly as he could manage Hermes said, "I'm sorry but I have orders, don't shoot the messenger." Black aura surrounded Minho as his anger grew.  His youngest nephew had told him that he, Hermes was to return Kibum to Olympus and Minho was suppose to let his wife go.  What's worse that it was his own brother that helped bring Kibum here in the first place was the one that gave the order.  How did the messenger expect him to react to the news, just be passive about it?  This was his wife they were talking about, his lover.  Hearing the statement about the orders Minho snapped, "Do all Olympians just follow orders like brainless dolls or is it just you?" Seeming to expect the jibe Hermes shook it off as he began saying, "I know you're upset Uncle but-" "Upset doesn't even begin to fucking cover it!" The king interrupted with another angry shout.

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