Discovery of the King's Plot

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Demeter had searched everywhere, for any sign/clue of where her eldest son could've been taken to.  So far she has come up with no answer.  No one, deity or creature, knew anything about where he was or where he might be.  At this point desperation is what is guiding her to keep searching for her beloved Persephone.  She promised to bring him back and that is what she is going to do.  Even if she was neglecting her duties she didn't care, all that mattered was finding her son and bringing him back.

It was as she was traveling through the snow that she felt a few presences.  Turning to find the source of the presences she saw that it was in fact Taemin, a familiar looking boy, and a goddess that she hadn't seen in ages.  Hecate, in dark clothing and holding a torch up high.  When she walked over to where they were standing she lowered her head in respect before clearing her throat, "It's been ages since I last saw you, Hecate." The other goddess gave a small smile, "I know, and I wish it were under better circumstances." At that Demeter just nodded.  She then looked at her son asking, "What are you doing here?" Taemin explained, "I went down here to look for you, but I ran into them and they told me everything." This caused Demeter to be confused.  So looking at Hecate she asked, "What does he mean you told him everything?" With a deep sigh Hecate said, "It means I know where your eldest is and it's about time that I told someone about it." Demeter's eyes widened.

How could Hecate know about Persephone's whereabouts when almost everyone on earth that was in allegiance with the Olympians had zero information about it.  Wanting to know, Demeter gestured for the older goddess to explain.  So Hecate began by saying, "Before I explain, know that you aren't going to like this and if you need to rage about it then take it out on someone that isn't the humans you are already driving towards death." Demeter rolled her eyes but continued to listen as Hecate went on, "On one of his annual visits to the surface my king, Minho, came across someone that actually caused his heart to beat.  He then confided in his brother, Zeus about it.  After learning that the person was your eldest thanks to Zeus, my king became determined to court him.  Zeus even gave my king his permission and made a plan so that my king could have Kibum without you being in the way.  So on the day that he disappeared, Helios was doing his duty at the time so he witnessed this before telling me.  Zeus notified his brother to be ready for your son's arrival.  Your king even went so far as to order Gia herself to grow a flower so that when Kibum picked it then he would be transported to the Underworld." Taking a deep breath the older goddess finished with, "Kibum is now, and always was, in the Underworld.  Becoming its queen after he married my king." The silence that came afterwards was one filled to the brim with tension.

Demeter didn't show it on her face but she was beyond furious.  Rage coursed through her veins at the knowledge that her son was taken by the god of death, and all the while Zeus had been an accomplice to the whole thing.  Masking her voice to become calm she said to Hecate, "Thank you for telling me this, I can take it from here from now on." The older goddess just nodded in understanding before disappearing in a dark cloud of smoke.  Then it was just Taemin, the boy, and Demeter that was left standing in the snow.

Looking at both her youngest and the boy she saw that they were both holding onto each other.  It took a moment before she soon recognized the boy as being Taemin's lover.  With that in mind she said to both of them, "Tell me later how it's possible that your lover has reincarnated, for now I'm taking you both back to Olympus." Looking up she glared at the sky, "There is some business I need to take care of." She didn't see the look of trepidation come across Taemin's face.


The last thing any of the Olympians expected when Demeter returned from earth was for her to rush up to Zeus and slap him across the face.  The sound of the slap echoing across the throne room, making everyone turn in shock.  Some, including Taemin, even flinched after the sound was made.  Adding more surprise Zeus just faced Demeter with a neutral expression, "I see you found out." This caused Demeter to grabbed him by the front of his robes.  Right in his face she shouted, "How dare you betray me like this, offering up my son to that monster like some kind of livestock!  Did you really think you could get away with it?!" The whole time Zeus just kept silent, letting the harvest goddess take out her rage on him.

When it was deemed safe to talk Zeus just calmly explained, "You've sheltered both of your children for far too long, they are grown adults capable of thinking for themselves.  A while ago I told my brother that he could choose anyone he wanted on Olympus as a bride and I promised myself that I would help my older brother no matter what.  So when Minho told me he wanted to court your son even though I warned him who's child the boy was I couldn't go back on my promise." At the anger induced look in Demeter's eyes Zeus added, "Despite what you believe about my older brother, he gave your son free will to leave if he so chose." "If that's the case why isn't my son here now when he could've came back months ago, not having to marry your so called brother?" The harvest goddess tightened her hold on the clothing.  The unsaid question hung in the air 'why didn't he come back?' making the tension so thick that it needed a sword to cut through it.  Placing his hands over the goddess' before gently prying them off he stated, "What's done is done Demeter, there's no changing it." He hoped Demeter would just drop it soon so that no blood spilled on this day.

However fate can be a cruel mistress, for Demeter struggled in his hold, "You son of a bitch, bring him back!" Narrowing his eyes Zeus told the woman, "You have another son that you care for, do you not?  Move on and care for the son you still have and not the one you lost." Motioning to Taemin, who was still standing in the sidelines, in the arms of his now immortal lover.  Demeter took a look at her youngest boy, seeing how much this outburst was affecting him in a way that made her heart clench.  She never wanted to be the cause of her boys' sadness and fear yet here she was doing it.

She considered it many times on her search.  That she should just let go, remain with the son she still had instead of doing this.  Every time though, as she spent time with just her youngest, it felt empty without having the other boy there.  Persephone is her first child, the first of her children she ever came to love before Taemin came along.  It didn't feel right when one/both of her sons were missing from her life.

So looking back at the king of the god's with a hard look she said, "I love Taemin, he is my son just like Persephone.  I love them more than my own existence, they are my heart and soul, without one or both of them here I'll feel empty.  Move on you tell me.  How can I move on knowing one of my sons was taken to somewhere so I will never see them again because of you?" Pulling her hands free from Zeus' grip she continued, "You bring back Persephone or your precious earth dies, if every human perishes because I can't have one of my beloved sons then so be it." With that said she exited the throne room.  No one, not even her youngest son, followed her.  They all just stood there in silence.

It was broken when Zeus sighed and ran a frustrated hand through his hair.  He then called loudly, "Hermes!" The messenger guard walked to stand next to his father, "Yes, my king?" With another sigh Zeus ordered, "Go to the Underworld immediately, and inform Hades that his bride is needed back on Olympus." He then told the next part to everybody loud enough to where he hoped Demeter could hear as well, "When the boy has arrived I will ask him a question of where he will like to stay so we can settle this matter for good." To his joy every Olympian present let out either a sigh of relief or a shout of happiness.  Even through the noise he could hear Hermes say to him, "Uncle isn't going to like this one bit." "I know my son." Turning to face the young god again he continued, "However, it's the only chance we have of saving the earth from Demeter's wrath." The messenger god nodded in understanding before heading off to complete his assigned task.                 

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