Shawn pov Yep today is the day I propose to my girlfriend of 1year and 6 months im so excited and really nervous.I'm going to propose at the beach everyone knows her and her friends will go on a girls out thing while the others and I get everything ready.I love Meg I can't wait for her to be mine. Megs pov Omg my friends from primary and I are going to have a girls day out.I've noticed something about Shawn he is acting weird I mean he is sweet and all but lately he has been acting really weird.He is acting shy and nervous.We will see later now I gotta get ready to meet my friends What I wore
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My friends and I got our nails done My nails
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We also went shopping I got a text from Shawn *text* Shawn:Hey baby how is everything going Me:Its going good we just ate Shawn:Nice,baby I have a surprise for you come home,bring your friends Me:Ohk see you😘😍 Shawn:😚😻 *At the house* There were lots of people.My other friends were there and Shawn s friends my parents and Shawn's parents were there.What are my parents doing here? Shawn:Meg I've loved you since the day I saw you you make me a better person you make me happy.You make me feel so loved.I love you so much I will do anything for you.Will you Megan Willson marry me? Meg:Yes,yes I will Everyone cheered I jumped on Shawn we shared a long hug and kiss. I was so happy I am going to marry the love of my life.I love Shawn