Crazy ex

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Emma's P.O.V
Well,that's the end of my shift,time to go home.I'm so pissed right now,today has been a bad day.I overslept,burnt my breakfast,had a argument with my parents,almost got scammed and got my period at work and I'm wearing WHITE pants so everyone can see it and if that wasn't bad enough my boss gave me extra work she says I don't work hard enough what a bitch.I didn't want to make a scene in front of everyone so I just went with it.Time to go home and cry about my life.As I was walking out the electricity tripped "great" now I can't see anything there are so many floors and I'm wearing heels.I was walking down the stairs I felt hands push me,someone pushed me.I tumbled down the stairs till I hit the bottom,as I looked up I saw someone walking towards me,couldn't see who it was because it was too dark.I got a glimpse as the person walked past the Windows I realised it was my ex Tristan.I loved him till he became a psychopath,he needed to know where I was,what I was doing,who I was with 24/7 he even got a app that can track me where ever I was.I was afraid to leave him because at the time he was a hitman when I did something wrong he would threaten to kill me.He did whatever he pleased with me he was my master my boss,Shawn helped me get out of the relationship I'm so happy he did.
Emma:What are you doing here?
He started walking towards me,I was scared I tried to scream but soon he was too close that I was terrified to even speak then everything went black. head hurts where am I?
Emma is frightened as she remembers  that a few minutes she was at work and now she is here,but she doesn't know how she got here and why she is here.She is full of worry she looks around the room trying to find clues to find out where she is.She soon realizes where she is terrified she tries to scream but her mouth was covered.Her crazy ex Tristan comes in calmly with a normal expression on his face.
Tristan:Oh,look whose up.Ok,I'll make you a deal I'll let you go if you can give me one good reason why I should let you live.
Tristan:Oh right,you have tape around your mouth,I take it as no answer so I get to keep you here.
Emma tries to escape but her hands and feet were tied.
Tristan:You escaped from me,but your mine and mine only,if I can't have you than no one can not even that pale Canadian boy what's his name..uhh...Sean Menendez?I want you to myself.I can't have you so he can't have you.

Shawn's P.O.V
Where is Amanda.She has had such a bad day,Her parents told me about the fight and I've been getting texts from her co workers telling me to check on her they told me what happened at work,I feel bad I wasn't there but I'm here now.I've brought her favourite movies,shows and snacks Im just waiting for her to come home.I'm getting worried she usually finishes work at 3 and now it's 6 I'm going to use a app to track her,I trust her completely but I just have a bad feeling in my gut.Wait..she's at Tristan's house? Why is she? Oh no.I got my car keys and raced to Tristan's house.I called the police on my way there.

*Tristan's house*
Tristan rips the tape off of Emma's mouth to pour a substance in her mouth.It erases someone's memory.Tristan tries to make Emma drink it but she resists.Tristan pulls out his gun and threatens her.
Tristan:Drink it!other wise I'll shoot!
The sound of police sirens get louder and louder
Tristan:Oh shit,drink it!
Tristan grabs Emma's neck and tries to make her drink the dangerous substance.The police break the door down to get in,they inspect the place Shawn remembers how Tristan used to keep Emma in the basement sometimes.
Shawn:Sir,she may be in the basement.
They all run to the basement to find Tristan chocking Amanda,with the gun still in his hand.
Police:Ey!drop your weapon!
Tristan drops his gun,the police take him away.Amanda runs to her hero Shawn sobbing.
Shawn:Are you ok?your not hurt right?Shawn inspects Emma for bruises,luckily none.
Shawn:Its ok baby,I'm here
Emma:Sh..s..sha..Shawn please don't leave me.
Emma can barely get the words out as she is sobbing uncontrollably.
Shawn:Never baby,let's go home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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