Treat you better

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Hi my name is Emma.i was at my boyfriend Ryan's house.Ryan has been my boyfriend for 8 months.We have been on and off,Shawn my best friend has told me to leave him but i love Ryan too much.When Ryan hurts me physically and emotionally he is doing it because he loves me.Ryan hits me because he loves me and is trying to help me become stronger.Ryan was out drinking with his friends last night.When he left i was happy because i am scared of Ryan he scares me.He will hurt me for no reason and he will compare me to other girls purposely,he doesn't care about anyone else but himself.The way he treats his parents is so sad.He yelled at his mom in front of me that day was when i got scared of him,even his own mom is scared of him.Shawn knows I've been with Ryan all this time.I loved Shawn he always protected me from Ryan.You know what im going to leave Ryan today i need to otherwise i will live my life in fear.Ryan was home this is my shot


Ryan:what you slut

Me:i think it's best if we break up

Ryan:Are you drunk,you are mine you belong to me you cant leave me

Me:but i'm not happy with you

Ryan:you think i'm happy with you,you ugly thing,why can't you be pretty like those other girls.Your sister she is so hot why cant you be like that?

Me:i don't have a sister

Ryan:oh,i mean your cousin she is hot look at you,you have let yourself go you used to do your make up,go to the gym and dress all nice do you even see yourself now?

Me:that's it i'm leaving!

i was going to take my clothes but Ryan grabbed me he punched my face,my nose started bleeding and the blood went on my shirt.I fell down he kicked my head.He crouched down to my level and said

Ryan:listen here you dog,you aren't going anywhere

I hit him in the face i grabbed my 2 suitcases i put by the door and took the keys to my car and ran.I got into my car and drove away as fast as i could

i drove to Shawn's place,Shawn has a big house he lives alone

i knocked on the door Shawn answered he saw my two suitcases and let me in

Shawn:omg what happened?

i looked down and he knew that it was Ryan

Shawn:i'm gonna kill him

Me:Shawn no,he is right why aren't i pretty

Shawn:You're right you aren't pretty your gorgeous,jaw dropping you can make anyone melt with that beautiful smile of yours

I gave him a smile

Shawn:there's that beautiful smile

i started blushing,Shawn grabbed my face he started leaning in and we kissed

Shawn:Emma Roberts will you be my girlfriend?


shawn:yay,do you want to move in


Shawn jumped around like he little child i just stood there in pure awwe

shawn:great now let's get you cleaned up and after i'll take care of that idiot

me:what was that last part?

Shawn:oh nothing

He kissed me and we went to clean me up

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