Chapter 4

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Lucy's POV

"Peter, baby, just one more beer pweeeeeease?" I said, my words slurring together.

"You're drunk enough as it is. We need to get you out of here. Stay close okay?" I hiccuped in response and he grabbed my hand. He was elbowing his way through the crowd of drunk people, moving towards the door, when I felt a hand on the wrist that wasn't being yanked off by Peter.

"Hey baby you wanted another beer?" A man said, pulling me out of Peters grasp and wrapping his arms around my waist. This guy looked around my age, maybe a little older, and looked sort of like Peter except his eyes were grey and his hair was black. He had the same demeanor and tone as Peter too.

"Yeah but not from you. Get lost I ain't no slut." Even when I was drunk I was still a snarky bitch. He chuckled into my ear and I could smell vodka on his breath.

"Straight vodka is gross by the way. But if you put some orange juice in that stuff it's the shit." I said wiggling out of his arms. I searched for Peter but I couldn't find him so I just went outside.

I walked down the road to where we had parked and saw that the car was still there. I went to pull out my phone to call Peter. But before I could even turn it on I had a rag over my mouth and nose and an arm wrapped, once again, around my waist. Then everything went black.

"Lucy? Are you just going to sit there and not do your work?" I looked up and saw my teacher Mr. Stevens looking down at me.

"Oh, um sorry yes I just..." I trailed off knowing no excuse would be good enough. Instead I just grabbed my pencil and started writing random numbers on the paper until he walked back to his desk at the front of the class.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out underneath the desk.

Lucy after lunch meet me @ our tree

I didn't reply I just sighed knowing no good can come of it. But I have always wondered where he went when we were separated. Well this should be fun.


Peters POV

I sat on the bench underneath our willow tree, thinking. But no matter what my thoughts started at, they always drifted off to her.

I thought of sports but thought of when she played soccer. I thought of food and remembered how she'd practically devour anything. Hell I thought of the goddamn grass and remembered how she couldn't resist picking it!

I groaned and put my head in my hands grabbing a fistful of my hair and yanking on it.

"Ya know if you keep doing that one day it'll fall out." Lucy said, walking up to sit next to me. I chuckled and turned towards her.

"Yeah but they have cream for that anyways," She gave me a small smile and I fiddled with the hem of my maroon sweater when I spoke,"I'm sorry about last night I shouldn't have done what I did I just-"

"Peter don't finish that sentence please." She said, cutting me off. She leaned back in the bench and looked up at the old tree. I did the same and saw what made this tree so special.


Lucy's POV

Peter pointed up towards the branch the had our names carved into it.

"Remember that." I looked over and studied his face while he was looking up. His lips were curved into a small smile, his dimples coming into view. His green eyes lit up and swirled with different emotions.

I would've starred longer if he hadn't looked over to me, expecting a response. I just nodded, knowing if I spoke I'd stutter.

"Remember how we used to have to sneak around because your dad?" He said with a chuckle. I gave him a small smile and looked down at my hands in my lap. I suddenly felt very self conscious. I was wearing black leggings and a long white sweater, along with my black lace up boots. I looked at my thighs and wished that I was skinnier.

"Remember the night that we got caught by your brother and-"

"Look if this is just a walk down memory lane I don't really want it. Believe me I remember it all." He frowned and looked down. I felt bad for cutting him off and hurting his feelings, or whatever. But I just want him to get to the point.

"Okay you're right I'm just buying my time," he started, scratching the back of his neck, "I just wanted to ask about what exactly happened that night."

Did he not know?

"You don't know?" I asked, for once voicing my thoughts.

"No I only knew what you blamed me for. Which was kind of all of it but you never really explained it too well." He shrugs like its the most normal thing in the world, when all the while I'm dying on the inside trying to piece this together.

"Okay then well it was after I left the party to look for you...


When I came too I was in a basement. I could hear music coming from above me so I guess I was in the basement of the house the party was hosted in. I tried looking at my surroundings but I literally couldn't move. I felt paralyzed almost. Then whatever drug was used on me started wearing off a little more and I noticed I tied to what I'm guessing was a bed. How convenient.

"Look guys she finally awake." I heard the voice of vodka guy speaking. Then I heard a people talking. I counted four different voices, one sounding oddly familiar. Too familiar.

"I guess it's time to start right guys?" I heard vodka guy speak once again. I couldn't see them but then again it was dark as hell in here. Oh wait, I'm blindfolded. Yep that's right folks they're are the cliche kidnappers for sure.

End flashback

"I'll spare you the details but I'm pretty sure you get what happened after that," I said trailing off, "So I'm just gonna go now." I tried my best to get up quickly but I wasn't quick enough.

More like he was too quick. I felt his calloused hands on my waist, pulling me back down practically onto his lap.

"I'm so sorry." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind me. This was our version of a hug I guess you could say. I, hesitantly, put my hands over his hand that were placed on my stomach. He tensed at the gesture but soon he relaxed and hugged me even tighter.

This boy will be the death of me.

A/N Hey guys I finally updated!! Aren't ya'll proud of me!? Anyways I'm probably not gonna update for a little while cause ya know Christmas and all that jazz but any who hope y'all have a good Christmas and stay salty my friends!!

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