Ch.2- Reuniting!

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Author's Note!!!! *IMPORTANT*

Soo i know i havent updated this in a while but i dont think anybody reads it.. anyway theres a link in this part.if it works Awesome!! If it doesn't im soo sorry but let me know if you would like to see it and ill send it to you :)

Also im having a little competition i guess you would call it.. on here!! Soo if you would like to be in it..message me and let me know! Once I start it im NOT!! adding anymore people to it soo it's fare to the people that were in it from the beginning!! you have the rest of this week to let me know if you want to be in it!! Also follow my twitter so you can get info about it!! I'll post hints about it on there soo you can be ready!

Now that i've rambled on and on and on.. here's Chapter 2!!! :) 


I went to bed thinking about Logan.

*Next Morning*

I was on my morning run as I always do. Me and Logan used to meet up every morning when we were younger and jog around my neighborhood before we would go to the gym for a 14 hour practice. But as you know all that changed when he moved, but I never stopped. While on my way to where I usually start my run, there was someone in my ususal spot where I warm up before I start running. Being the nosy person I am, instead of just finding another spot I went up to my old one to see who it was. I carefully made my way over there and lightly tapped them on the shoulder. He turned around and the first thing I saw was eyes. Green to be exact. Fierce, piercing green eyes, but they had a comforting feeling behind them. For some reason it felt like I knew him from somewhere, you know like I had seen him before, I just have no idea where from. Then it hit me. This was they guy that was with Logan last night at the restaurant. He was the one that I thought was cute, even though I didn't see him up close. Speaking of this, where was he when me and Logan were having our discussion. Maybe he was in the car, maybe he had walked back to Logan's house or something, due to the fact that Logan only lived like 5 minutes away from the restaurant. I wanted to talk to him, you know see if maybe he knew why Logan was really here. 

"Hi", I said shyly.


"Uhmm are you goin for a run"


"Ohh..uhmm need a partner?" Wow. okay that was weird, I'm never that straight-foward. 

"Sure" he replied soflty with a smile. 

Oh that smile, the one that can tear you apart inside. Ok thats it Micaela, your not going to fall in love with some guy you just met like literally 45 seconds ago. What the heck, yes I am, he is adorable and I don't even know his name. As we were walking, we would make small talk here and there. "So,what's your name?", he asked me. 

"Micaela. You?"


"Nice name."

"Thanks. Same to you." He smiled that wonderful smile that had me on cloud 9 a few minutes ago. I don't really know how, but we ended up in the park which is quite far from my house, I guess we were soo busy talking we didn't realize we had walked so far. Good thing I was off today, my boss would have killed me if I was late. 

"You want some ice cream?" he asked me.

"Sure!" Ok maybe I was a little too over excited about the ice cream cause he laughed. And this laugh showed off a new feature to his face. DIMPLES. Yes, thats right. They accented his face perfectly. We ordered our ice cream and Kendall insisted on paying even though I was perfectly fine buying my own icecream. Once we got it, we sat down on one of the park benches and ate it. We talked some more and eventually decided it was time to head back. Kendall walked me all the way home and gave me a hug bye. He was soo sweet. Such a gentlemen the whole time. 

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