Ch.11- State of Emergency

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Heyy soo I am on a bus leaving Florida right now!! I was at a cheer competition!! Yes, we placed first! Soo proud of my team, we worked hard!

I hope you liked the last chapter!

On too the story!!


*Kendall's POV*

After I posted the picture, I just laid down and played on my phone... replied to some fans on twitter. I had a lot of mentions asking who Micaela was....I just ignored those for the moment. I wasn't going to start craziness over the Internet right now.

About 25 minutes later, there was a knock on my door. I got up and looked through the peephole and saw that it was Logan and James.

I opened the door, and the first words I hear are, "I have an idea."

"Okay....soo what is it?"

"Well... I've been texting Josie and she says that they should be done in about an hour. So, we go and stand in front of the gym with flowers!"


Logan just looks at me and says,"After that great idea and all you have to say is nice?!"

"I like it! How do you get to the store from here?"

"I don't know.... I came up with the idea...soo you can come up with everything else...",Logan says as he falls face first onto one of the beds.

I just look at him and roll my eyes. I don't know how Josie deals with him. He's crazy.

*25 minutes later*

Soo we found a Walmart like 5 minutes from the hotel. We decided to walk, which probably wasn't the smartest idea we've ever had because: one, it was freezing... two, fans were everywhere.

We were eventually helped by a police officer who was doing his normal job at patrolling the streets. He saw us, came over to where we were as well as all of our fans and he had them all get in a line. From there, me and the boys were able to sign autographs and take pictures.

Once that was over, the police officer looked at us and said,"Well....that was a pretty smart choice of you boys. Walking around with no security."

"It was their idea officer," Carlos says pointing at me and Logan.

Gee.... Thanks Carlos.

"It's fine. You boys just be careful next time, okay?"

"Yes sir!,"we all say.

We finally make it in Walmart and we were allowed to walk around with our sunglasses on our eyes and our hoods on our heads, because the officer went and told the manager at Walmart our situation.

Once we got everything we needed, we headed over to the building that the girls were at.

Logan was texting the whole time, and I'm pretty sure it was Josie.

He looked up at us and said, "She said their guys ready?"

"Yep,"we all say.

We hold the flowers in front of our faces so they can't see us and wait for them to come out.

The door opens and I hear,"What the-"

But it's cut off when we move the flowers. The only thing I see is Micaela. She looks confused at first, but that look soon disappears once she sees me.

She drops her bags on the ground and I push everything I was holding in my hands to Carlos who was standing beside me and pick up Micaela and spin her around. Just having her back in my arms made me smile.

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