Special Chapter: Halloween+more wolves

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That spooky time of year again except you have your werewolf buddies. Tomorrow was Halloween and you had your costume but what about the others? "Edge!" You called from the kitchen. Edge entered the kitchen and gave a look of interest. "Edge can you please fetch the others? We're gonna go get you guys costumes!" You smiled and he smiled back. "ALRIGHT BUT DON'T EXPECT THE ASHTRAY TO SHINE, HE ALWAYS SAYS HE'LL RISE BUT NOT SHINE" Edge stated turning around and going to find the others. You then turned to the counter and checked you had your card and some cash along with your keys. Edge wouldn't be able to lay down, sucks to be him. You laughed at the thought of two massive werewolves in the back with an adorable smaller one next to you. You probably had a nickname in the city like wolf-whisperer or even Alpha or something having to do with wolves. You grabbed everything placing it in your small black handbag. You waited by the front door until Blue was next to you. Asking wait no scratch that yelling 'WHERE ARE WE GOING HUMAN?' and similar things while Edge looked unamused, Stretch was about to have a cig until Edge grabbed it. Edge snapped his fingers and all of Stretch's cigarettes were gone leaving him grumpy. "Alright, Blue I'll answer your questions while we head over to the mall." You opened the door and locked it again once everyone was outside. Everyone climbed into the car and surprisingly everyone was comfortable. Blue sat next to you in the front passenger seat while the other two sat in the back seats like planned. "So Human Where Are We Going?" Blue asked in his adorable quiet voice. "Well since Halloween is tomorrow and we still have a lot of time. I thought it would be nice to get you guys costumes." You explain stopping at a red light. "WILL WE GET TO CHOOSE OUR OWN?" Blue asked full of excitement. You nodded and began driving again seeing the green light. Stretch and Edge had a small argument halfway to the mall but it was more like insults and puns from Stretch. Both gave up when you jumped in with a snappy comeback insulting both. Once you all made it to the mall, Blue jumped out of the car but before he could run you grabbed him. "Blue please don't run off, its dangerous especially since some humans are jerks to monsters." Blue looked a little disappointed but nodded anyway. Stretch and Blue stuck together while Edge clinged to you. You went to the first costume shop and saw the others cringe when there were plastic skeletons. "Oh this must be awkward for you guys and if you want we can go to another store." They shook their heads 'no' and continued looking for costumes. Everyone decided to keep their costume a surprise including you. After 20 minutes everyone met up and you paid even when Blue asked if it was ok a thousand times. "So would you all like to get more stuff for your costumes?" You asked turning around to face them. "HUMAN WE WERE WONDERING IF ITS NOT TO MUCH IF WE COULD HAVE A PARTY AND INVITE SOME OF OUR FRIENDS!" Blue asked looking worried and a bit excited. You smiled reassuring him and nodded. "So how many more are there?" Stretch interrupted Blue. "4" your eyes widened, 4 more wolves and Edge didn't say anything?! "Edge why didn't you tell me?!" You whined when he shrugged. "Wait, have they been out in the forest all alone?" You asked softly and guilt instantly fell on the wolves faces. "Uh...yeah" Stretch awkwardly answered. "After we're done here, you all are taking me to where they are or else this party isn't happening" they all looked at each other and nodded. "FINE BUT I'M NOT LETTING THAT BRAT TOUCH YOU" Edge boomed causing a few glances from people. You put your finger to his teeth to silence him. It silenced him but he attempted to lick your finger. Luckily you pulled your hand away just in time. "Why must you be so weird?" You mumbled.
Everyone was finally home with the bags filled with costumes and props. "Right now you're taking me to where these wolves are." Edge nodded and began to lead the way out the front door and towards the woods. You quickly ran to catch up while Blue and Stretch speed walked. "Edge how far away is it? I don't wanna get lost." Edge glanced at you and then spoke ducking under a branch. "ITS NOT TOO FAR BUT IT ISN'T CLOSE AND WE WON'T GET LOST CAUSE I AM AN EXCELLENT TRACKER! NYEH HEH HEH" He laughed and you found that adorable. This tall edgy skelewolf was really a big softie and wasn't as scary as you thought back on day one.
Some time had passed and soon a old run down wooden cottage came into view. Edge seemed to grow a little nervous approaching it. The place looked horrible, the wood was rotting in some places and the place looked about a century old. "Edge don't tell me-" he gave a saddened look and then opened the old creaky door. Some window were also smashed and it was freezing inside. "SANS?! PAPYRUS?!" Edge called out as Blue and Stretch arrived. You looked at what was supposedly a lounge with a torn up couch. The rug looked torn up as well and you approached the area. "Damn you guys had it rough." Edge hummed in agreement and walked towards a staircase. "Stay Here" he ordered and then walked upstairs. You shrugged and continued exploring. "We'll wait outside" Stretch said and dragged Blue away despite his complaints. You picked up a book? It was on space and different planets. Someone must like astrology in this place. Suddenly you were tackled to the ground on your back pinned by another skelewolf. His clothes were similar to Edge's except he was about a little taller than you. He glared down at you and spoke with a deel voice. "WHAT'S A LITTLE HUMAN DOING OUT HERE? COME TO KILL US?" You shook your head frantically and he only glared in response. "N-no my boyfriend, Edge is here and I wanted to meet his friends." You whimpered and tried to get free. The wolf laughed at this statement and then smirked. "EDGE WOULD NEVER LOVE A HUMAN LIKE YOU! HE HATES MANKIND!" They loudly spoke causing you to tear up a bit. "AWW~ IS THE LITTLE HUMAN SAD? NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT YOU'RE PRETTY CUTE. I MIGHT JUST KEEP YOU." The wolf was harshly pulled off of you and there stood Edge holding the other wolf by his red scarf. "EDGE?!" They screamed and the sound of footsteps was heard. "Oh there you are, BlackBerry." The voice was unfamiliar and sounded relaxed, surprisingly. "SHUT UP CLASSIC!" 'BlackBerry' yelled at 'Classic'. Edge dropped the smaller wolf and held his hand out for you. You grabbed his hand and he pulled you to your feet. He wrapped his arms around you and glared at the 4 new wolves standing there. "WOWIE EDGE I DIDN'T KNOW YOU HAD A GIRLFRIEND! AND SHE'S SO PRETTY!" You blushed at the compliment but gave a small smile. Edge had a look of jealousy but it faded back into a glare. You turned to face the new wolves while Edge reluctantly let go and stood with his arms crossed. "Well let me introduce myself, I'm y/n l/n. Lovely to meet you!" You held out your hand and a friendlier and less edgy version of Edge shook your hand. "I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS AND THIS IS MY BROTHER SANS OR CLASSIC AS SOME CALL HIM" He pointed at a smaller wolf still taller than you but only by a inch or two. The other two didn't look as friendly but you still offered a smile. The smaller wolf, BlackBerry looked like a tiny version of Edge. The other looked...interesting. He kept looking you up and down while having a perverse smirk. "Uh hello?" The pervert snapped his head to your face instead of your hips. "Hey there~" he greeted but got a flick on his head by BlackBerry. "MUTT DO NOT BE PERVERTED TO THIS PATHETIC HUMAN." Black lectured and you stood there awkwardly until Edge joined the argument. "SHE IS NOT PATHETIC AND I SWEAR TO ASGORE IF YOU EVER SAY THAT AGAIN I'LL-"  "OK OK ENOUGH PLEASE" Thank you Papyrus! "Anyway why are you here kiddo?" Sans asked you and his wolf ears shifted forward a bit. "Oh Edge and the others told me that there were more and that you were living in a run down place so I'm here to offer you all a better home!" Papyrus beamed with happiness while Sans had a look of shock that faded into a genuine smile. Mutt and Black stopped talking and faced you with interest. "I own a pretty big place but unfortunately I only have one spare room but we can make a plan! There's also the basement that I can decorate to make it feel more homey. I could also purchase bunk beds so 4 can stay in the room and 2 in the basement." You quickly spoke and all nodded. "But that's temporary because...my parents bought me a bigger place!" You announced and everyone looked surprised. "WAIT WHAT?" Edge asked looking shocked. "Yeah unfortunately the current place is getting knocked down and since no other human would wanna live there." You hesitated to continue explaining but before you could Papyrus hugged you. "THANK YOU TINY HUMAN." You hugged him back until Edge pulled you away and gave a possessive look. "M I N E" Wow Edgy, friendly statement not. "Geez Edge didn't expect you to be so possessive and jealous." Mutt finally spoke. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go home!" You said running out the door with 7 wolves following.
You were 5 minutes away from home and were being carried by Edge. He didn't take no for an answer. "SO HUMAN WHEN ARE YOU-" "I'm gonna stop you right there Paps. Its 'we' not you. You're part of the 'family' now. I'm not leaving you alone in the cold, you're staying with us." Paps swooped you off of Edge's back and ran hugging you all the way back home. "PAPS?!" Suddenly he stopped and gave a look of uncertainty. He let you go and you saw your house. "Welcome to our home!" You unlocked the door and Paps followed you inside. "It's So Pretty." He spoke softly and you smiled. "Wait till you see the new place!" You closed the door but didn't lock it since the others would be here soon. "Anyway are you hungry?" You asked looking up at him. "OH IT WOULD BE NICE TO HAVE A GOOD MEAL!" He said sounding a little sad. "What do you mean 'good' meal? Did you guys ever eat something decent?" Now looking at Paps again, he didn't look too good. He had a few small scars on his arm and his clothes had a few tears. "OH WE DID EAT BUT WE HAD TO HUNT OUR FOOD BECAUSE WE DIDN'T HAVE MONEY TO BUY ANYTHING. WE GOT INTO A FEW FIGHTS AND I REMEMBER WEEKS AGO, WE HAD A REALLY BAD ENCOUNTER." Papyrus looked like he was gonna cry and you instantly tried to calm him. "Hey it's ok you don't have to tell me!" You said trying to calm him. "NO! I WANNA TELL YOU! IT FEELS GOOD TELLING SOMEONE I TRUST ALL MY PROBLEMS! LIKE IT TAKES SOME PRESSURE AWAY..." His voice going quieter at the end. "How about we chat in the lounge? I'll get something to eat and maybe get you something? What would you like?" Paps nodded and then said anything would be fine. So you got two plates of f/f and a glass of water. You walked back to the lounge struggling to hold everything. Paps was sitting on the couch looking around at the different environment. You placed a plate of f/f and the glass of water infront of him on the coffee table. "Anything else you need?" You asked eating the delicious food. He shook his head and began telling the story. "WE HAD AN ENCOUNTER WITH HUNTERS BUT THEY WERE RUTHLESS. THEY MANAGED TO SPLIT EVERYONE UP. EDGE AND RED RAN SOUTH TRYING TO SNEAK BACK. STRETCH AND SANS WERE STICK INSIDE DESPERATELY TRYING TO GET OUT. BLUE FLED AFTER A HUNTER TRIED TO MUZZLE HIM AND THAT LEFT ME. HUNTERS SURROUNDED ME AND TRIED TO MUZZLE ME AS WELL BUT LUCKILY SANS GOT OUT. HE INSTANTLY ATTACKED THE HUNTERS GIVING ME A CHANCE TO ATTACK THE OTHER. I DIDN'T WANT TO HURT ANYONE BUT I HAD NO CHOICE." He took a breath and then looked down before speaking again. "AFTER THE ATTACK AND ALL THE HUNTERS WERE CONFIRMED DEAD, WE ROUNDED UP EVERYONE BUT EDGE, RED AND BLUE WERE MISSING. WE SEARCHED THE AREA TRYING TO FIND A SCENT BUT THEN WE FOUND BLACKBERRY AND MUTT CAUGHT IN TRAPS. WE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THEY WERE BACK FROM HUNTING! ANYWAY DAYS PASSED AND STRETCH LOST HIS TEMPER, HE RAN OUT LOOKING FOR BLUE AND HE LEFT FOR DAYS. THAT LEFT ME, SANS, BLACK AND MUTT. WE STRUGGLED TO SURVIVE AND SOON THE HOUSE STARTED GIVING IN. WOOD WAS ROTTING AND IT NO LONGER PROTECTED US FROM THE COLD. WE MAY BE WOLVES BUT AFTER THE ATTACK WE WERE STILL WEAK AND TRYING TO RECOVER." He had a glimpse of curiosity before turning to you. "What Happened To Red?" Paps asked and you instantly had a look of worry. "He Wasn't With Edge And I Don't Smell His Scent Anywhere Here." You sighed before placing a hand on Pap's shoulder. "He was killed, I'm sorry but you should ask Edge for the story, I'm not really good with that." You said softly and could hear Papyrus sniff and saw orange tears fall into his lap. You hugged him and Paps started crying, you knew he was in pain. He had just lost a friend, someone he trusted. You felt horrible and again tried to comfort him. "I'm so sorry Papy" you whispered and he soon stopped crying. "You'll be alright, I promise" you let go of him and sat back a bit. He smiled kindly and thanked you. "WELL IT'S BEST IF I DON'T STAY SAD FOR TOO LONG" he said and his ears rose. "THANK YOU HUMAN FOR TELLING ME, MOST PEOPLE I KNOW WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN SO HONEST" He said and gave a smile. He wiped away the last few tears and gave a chuckle. "I'LL MISS HIM" You hummed in agreement. "We all will" You said. "Anyway it's best if I show you around the house" you stood up and guided him around. Showing him every room and where the med kit was also the panic button for the alarm incase of an emergency.

My Edgy Wolf (Werewolf Uf Paps x reader)Where stories live. Discover now