21. Get away!

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I tapped my finger on the table, bored. After breakfast everyone did their own thing, some went back to playing games while others decided to swim. I wanted to be by myself and just relax. My first day at the company had been unfortunately delayed. So for another 2 weeks I could chill. My vision soon started going black and I instantly started to panic. The world around me faded and suddenly I was in an area I didn't recognize. It was a room but it was definitely not welcoming. Only one small window was present and it was too high to reach. Nothing was in the room besides a large dog bed that was placed in the corner. The metal door was swung open and another skeleton walked through except he was dripping in black goo. His entire body was covered in this weird black goop while he had tendrils coming out his back. His single cyan iris landed on me and he smirked. "Well well well~ The little human, I've been expecting you, Gaster was right. You are pretty cute." The skeleton's voice was deep and unsettling. One of his tendrils grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. He clipped a collar around my neck and when I tried to pull it off, I realized it locked. "Now now the fun hasn't even started~" I still tried to pull it off until it shocked me and I shed a tear from the pain. The skeleton held a remote and smirked seeing how painful the shock was. "Maybe I should lower it from 10 to maybe 8? Nah! Where's the fun in that?" He laughed like a maniac for a few seconds before speaking again. "Names Nightmare" he took a step closer while I walked back into the wall trying to keep my distance. "I know a lot about you but I really HATE who lives with you." He spoke with venom. "I know that bastard is gonna come looking for you so why not have some fun while we wait~" he purred striding over towards me. "I can treat ya way better than him~" He practically purred using his tendrils to hold me still. "Let the fun begin..."

Edge's POV

Y/n was suppose to be inside however when we searched for her, we didn't find a trace of her. Her scent was an hour old when we realized she was missing. The last place we saw her was in the lounge but now she was no where to be seen. I growled with complete frustration as I threw one of her pillows across the room. "DAMNIT!" I screamed as I collapsed to my knees. "Where are you, sweetheart?" I asked myself wishing she would just walk through the front door and I could hug her, kiss her, love her. I wanted to hold her close to me and tell her how beautiful she was. I couldn't hold her not right now. She wasn't even here and we don't think she went shopping. "Edge?" My ears flattened and my tail curled around me. "WHAT IS IT?" I grumbled and turned to see Mutt. "Uh come and see this for yourself, I think we know who did this." Instantly I ran towards the others. I stopped when I saw one of the couch pillows covered in black gloop. "H-how?" Blue whimpered. "IF IT IS HIM, I'LL KILL HIM AND MAKE SURE HE STAYS DEAD THIS TIME" I growled and glared at the disgusting markings. "WE NEED TO FIND INK OR DREAM, PREFERABLY BOTH" I ordered but then Mutt dumped black paint on the floor. "MUTT!" Black yelled but stopped when the paint began bubbling. The figure of a skeleton soon emerged and revealed Ink. "Howdy! Why'd you summon me?"

~●Back to your POV●~

I cried again as the pain intensified. Nightmare had tied barbed wire around my ankles making it painful to walk or move my legs. My top was torn and I had bruises on my back. The shock collar zapped me about every 30 minutes so I couldn't sleep long. The skeleton had no mercy on his punishment methods. Barbed wire was one thing but knowing at any moment he could burst through the door and do whatever he wanted to me was even more stressful. I wanted to be home and not curled in ball on a dog bed. The smell of blood was strong and the fact it was my own made me want to cry more. I had met Nightmare's little slaves- I mean gang. Horror, Dust, Cross and Error were all named after their Aus. Error was known as the destroyer of Aus while his 'enemy' Ink was the creator of Aus. Apparently, Horror came from a place where starvation was an issue and he apparently ate humans. Dust was a murderous maniac that would kill anyone for exp. Cross was well very quiet and often talked to a ghost that floated by him. When I first asked about the ghost named Chara everyone was shocked since Cross was apparently the only one who could see him. After mentioning the ghost thing, Cross had been nicer to me. He even healed a few bruises and brought me some food on a daily basis. He didn't seem to bad but it also seemed he was forced into the gang. They did mention another reason on why they kidnapped me. I think it was something of having abilities and they could sense I was something like an Alpha? I don't know, I passed out before I could listen to more.

Edge where are you?

My Edgy Wolf (Werewolf Uf Paps x reader)Where stories live. Discover now