26. Awake

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"E-edge?" I weakly called out. I was suddenly hugged by the massive wolf and could feel tears dripping on my back. "I missed you" he kept whispering those words until he got off me. He sat down on the floor next to me holding my paw with his paw. His tail wagged gently and made a soft thumping noise on the floor. "Heya Edge" I whispered and gave him a smile. He smiled back and whispered 'hey love' back. "How long was I out?" I asked and instantly noticed his grip tightened a bit. "3 days" he eventually said. My eyes widened, then memories came flooding into my mind. "I'm s-sorry" I whispered remembering the fight. Edge's ears perked up, "NO NO NO IT WASN'T YOUR FAULT! IT WAS THAT STUPID OCTOPUS!" I chuckled at the name, Nightmare did have tentacles coming out his back. My tail gently swayed side to side and Edge had a curious look. "HOW DID HE MAKE YOU LIKE THIS?" Edge asked petting my ears. "He took me to a lab and injected me with magic. Almost immediately I turned into this. Nightmare then attached this even stranger magic to my shock collar and he began training me. I had no control over my actions, all I could do was watch me attack innocent lives." I let out a shakey breath before continuing. "Nightmare brought in weak monsters and let them run around the mansion in pure fear. Then he would remove my muzzle and make me chase them. Like a cat and mouse game except only one lives. A few monsters actually attacked me but they still didn't make it. Most were killed by me but some bled out. It was horrible" I turned my head into the pillow. I felt Edge lay a paw on my back and then I felt pain. "OH SH#T! SORRY!" He quickly removed his paw and his ears lowered. "It's ok" I reassured him. He smiled and then Mutt came into the room. "Sup Y/n, how ya feeling?" He asked, his eyes looked me up and down. "EYES TO YOURSELF, MUTT" Edge growled and Mutt chuckled. "I'm fine, still in a little pain." I said and he nodded. "Well, m'lord says that he hopes you get better, see ya." He walked out the room and Edge glared at him while he left.

~2 weeks later~

The wound on my back had healed quickly since I had magic. It left a scar but I think it looks awesome. When f/n was told what happened they had immediately driven over and stayed. Edge's room became F/n's room since he decided to stay with me. The pain of lying on my back had stopped within  a week. Alphys had left yesterday since I was healed but Edge still insisted to stay close to me. Right now, I'm in the kitchen eating a sandwich and watching as Black and Blue were arguing. Something about heroes and villians. I heard heavy and slow footsteps from the stairs and decided to see who it was. Stretch was awake, finally, it was already noon. I was surprised Edge wasn't clinging to me and that he was with Blue. I think its because Blue kind of dragged him to the gaming room. I leaned forward on the counter with my elbows while having another sip of coffee/tea/hot chocolate. I felt a paw brush over my scar and turned to Sans. "Uh hey Sans" I awkwardly greet. "Heya kiddo" he greets back then leaves. "That was awkward" I mumble. "I MUST AGREE" I jumped, spilling  my drink all over the counter. Edge was standing there with a smug grin. "What the hell Edge? That was a good drink!" I groaned and grabbed a rag then leaned over the counter to reach the rest of the drink. I let out a sigh when I finished. Then something bumped into my backside and that something was Edge. His red pinpricks were now red hearts and he has his hands on my hips. My magic suddenly changed my paws to hands and feet. I could feel my face heating up and Edge mut have noticed too cause he then smirked wider and leaned over me. He began to nip at my neck earning soft moans from me.


Oh god (._.)
As you guessed the next chapter will probably be a lemon and sorry for the long wait.
Have a good day!

My Edgy Wolf (Werewolf Uf Paps x reader)Where stories live. Discover now